Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits
Prior to the creation of processor components and the latest set of components and sensors, robotics, in most cases, considered as an additional element of the exotic automatic production lines With the introduction and further development of flexible automated production gradually changed their system of autonomous modules, flexible automated robotics began to take a very different place in modern life At present it is difficult to say where the robots do not apply, they firmly taken its place in the sun Particularly rapid possible types of robots are being introduced in the system spec-technology, unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced weapons systems and the efficient and safe combat and logistical military units, especially in combat situations or conditions as close to combat There was a lot of robotic security systems with elements of artificial intelligence, such as in the banking sector  There are humanoid robots for use in virtually all spheres of life  DARPA projects (DARPA) U.S. Defense Department announced a program to improve the capabilities of military robots, known as "Maximum mobility and manipulation" (M3, Maximum Mobility and Manipulation). As the Defence Talk, the program has signed dozens of contracts with research laboratories and companies. M3 program includes four research projects to be conducted in parallel. The first project will be the development of tools and equipment that will produce prototypes of new robots with the calculated mobility and the ability to perform various operations. The project, known as Track 1, the contracts were awarded to companies Raytheon and Vecna Technologies, as well as Carnegie Mellon University, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Track 2 project involves the development of rapid manufacturing technologies and automated assembly, which will then be applied when new robots. The project was contracted with Cornell University, Harvard, Tufts University and the University of California at Berkeley. Under Track 3 will create robot control system, including the dynamic speed changes depending on the environment and the dynamic stabilization system. Research on this project will deal with Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western Reserve University, the Technological Research Institute in Georgia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California at Santa Barbara and the company iRobot and Tekrona. Finally, the project involves the creation of Track 4 demonstration prototype robots and a variety of related subsystems. This project will deal with Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oregon State University, Institute of Human and machine perception and the company HRL, iRobot and Other Lab. Funding for the program M3 is not specified. DARPA projects, U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA) has taught quadruped robot porter LS3 (Legged Squad Support System) to respond to voice commands, quickly pick oneself up, navigate complex terrain and followed the man. This is stated in a press release DARPA, published on December 19. LS3 test is held for two weeks in a wooded area in the state of Virginia, in cooperation with the Research Laboratory of the U.S. Marine Corps (MCWL). During the tests, as shown in the video, the robot followed the operator through the forest, carrying his team like "LS3, including" and "LS3, for me," climbed up the hill, crossed the creek and overcome various obstacles. Then checked the robot's behavior in urban environments. Previously, it was also reported plans to test LS3 in the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan. Robot LS3, also known as BigDog, was developed by Boston Dynamics. It can be used as a pack mule to carry troops and cargo weighing up to 180 kilograms to a distance of 32 kilometers. In addition, LS3 may be an additional source of energy to recharge portable devices. Focus on the "host", avoid obstacles and adjust the route LS3 can, through video and kit audiodatchikov. Apart LS3 DARPA oversees development and a number of other robots for military and paramilitary purposes. In particular, Boston Dynamics has developed a wheel "robot flea" Sand Flea, which can jump to a height of nine meters.The U.S. Army will test two new reconnaissance robot developed by Boston Dynamics. According to CNET, wheeled robot Sand Flea ("Sand Flea") can jump to a height of nine meters and a walking robot cockroach RHex can easily navigate through the dirt and rocky terrain, and swim under water. According to CNET, RHex has six "legs" and weighs just over 13 pounds. The robot is equipped with surveillance cameras and can run on battery power for six hours. The range of the robot is about 600 meters. RHex video presentation can be viewed here. Sand Flea is a light four-wheeled robot weighing 4.9 kilograms. Charge its battery lasts for up to 25 dives. As seen on video presentations Boston Dynamics, "sand fleas" easily the penalty jumps to the roof of the building. According to the ieee Spectrum, for jumping Sand Flea uses a piston with compressed carbon dioxide. According to CNET, and Sand Flea robot RHex, in particular, will be used in Afghanistan. Boston Dynamics previously introduced an improved version of a robotic mule for soldiers LS3 (also known as the Big Dog) and the world's fastest robot cheetah Cheetah. Quadruped Cheetah ("Cheetah"), developed by Boston Dynamics, set a speed record of robots. According to the website of the Office of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) U.S. Defense Department, Cheetah could be dispersed to 28.9 kilometers per hour. Video of the race four-legged robot in the lab can be found here. The previous record speed of walking robots was set in 1989 and amounted to 21 kilometers per hour. At the core mechanics Cheetah is the principle of motion of the fastest animals. Like a cheetah robot accelerates through flexion and extension of "back." During the year, Boston Dynamics plans to test the robot Cheetah in the wild. Cheetah is developed in the framework of robot-M3 (Maximum Mobility and Manipulation) commissioned by DARPA. The program has no specific military objectives and is more of a science project. Its results, however, may in the future be used for military purposes. Currently, the company Boston Dynamics is also developing for DARPA robot pack LS3 (Legged Squad Support System), designed to carry equipment American troops. The robot moves on four legs and is guided by visual and audiodatchikov to his "master." LS3 is able to walk, run and adjust the route and avoid obstacles. DARPA projects (DARPA) has concluded the Pentagon with U.S. company Boston Dynamics contract to build a robot that can carry weight in rough terrain. According to Defense Industry Daily, Boston Dynamics will receive $ 32 million to develop a robot LS3, which appearance will resemble a mule. To use the new car will be in Afghanistan, where the robot will move up to 180 pounds over rocky terrain to a distance of 32 kilometers. The mass of the device is no more than 570 kilograms. "Mule" will have different autonomy and the ability to operate for 24 hours. According to DARPA, robotic mule will have four "feet" and be able to adapt to the changing landscape. In particular, the device should be able to walk, run, trot, moving jumps, jump over obstacles and restore balance in the event that it will be broken by external factors. LS3 will be based on an existing design Boston Dynamics - robot BigDog, which already meets some of the requirements DARPA. In particular, he can walk, run, and restore the balance, even on slippery surfaces. See some opportunities BigDog here. DARPA projects (DARPA) U.S. Defense Department will conduct large-scale field trials of a prototype four-legged robot-bearer, reports Defense Aerospace. Under the test project LS3 (Legged Squad Support System) to be within a day without refueling carry a weight of about 180 pounds a distance of 32 kilometers. According to the developers, the robot-porter should focus on the "host" (represented by the U.S. Army or Marine Corps) with the visual sensor, avoid obstacles on the way, and, if necessary, adjust their own route. Apart from the pack mule LS3, is expected to serve as an additional source of energy to recharge stations and portable devices. In the future, the robot will be equipped audio-datchikami and "teach" to respond to commands such as "stop", "sit" and "me." As previously reported, field trials LS3 can pass in a mountainous region of Afghanistan. Video from preliminary tests the robot in the wild can be found here. At the heart of the project lies LS3 robot BigDog company Boston Dynamics. The purpose of developing such a device - to reduce the physical strain on the foot units Army and Marine Corps, and thus improve their ability to fight. As noted by Defense Aerospace, weight full field of ammunition U.S. troops can reach 45 pounds.  DARPA projects (DARPA) U.S. Defense Department has demonstrated a new suspension for tracked robots. As reported on its website, the new suspension allows the robot to navigate through rough terrain at high speed. According to the video, available at Youtube, enabled the new suspension robot iRobot 510 PackBot moving cross country more smoothly and does not "bounce" on the bumps and overcoming obstacles. According DAPRA, to develop a new suspension is under the research program in robotics M3 (Maximum Mobility and Manipulation). The purpose of the program is to improve not only the robots, but their manufacturing and management. Earlier, DARPA will present an improved version of a pack robot infantry LS3 (Legged Squad Support System) and the world's fastest four-legged robot Cheetah.  At the most prestigious and important international exhibitions and forums can be seen today, and naturally innovative commercial interest in special robots and robot systems auxiliary facilities That it is important that they begin to show interest in the world's largest companies, which were the ancestors of assembly-line production and production automation At the last Motor Show Ford Motor Company unveiled a robot guide, which at the minimum modifications and additional programming processors can perform many monotonous and poorly paid jobs The robot can be easily integrated into industrial and commercial system and the situation, it is easily and accurately recognizes companion and should be in many cases, indispensable production staff, and in many cases, independent executor These types of robots can solve one of the most painful problems of modern commercial innovation development associated with the notorious human factor What is important to the staff member does not tire of the same quality and gets the job done at any time and in any manufacturing and psychological situation 