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In any civilized country intellectual property rights should be as sacred and inviolable as the right to private property
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Classification of Objects of Industrial Property

Legislative and methodical documents

Scientific, technical and methodical literature

  • Internet sites for inventors and about invention
  • Journal «Intellectual Property»
  • list science and technology databases and reference resources, which provided grant Online Access
  • list of addressespatent databases, which provided grant access to the Internet
  • list of recent publications Topic: «Intellectual Property»

useful info? Press:
our customers from Ukraine (and Kiev), Russia, USA, others
Protect your rights through our services:

Protect your brand:

apply for registration of a trademark (brand name, logo) in Ukraine and worldwide.

Protect your intellectual property:

any intellectual property can be protected: the computer program, website, database, article, book, song, music, poetry, drawing, other works of science, literature and art.

Buy or sell:

trademark, brand, logo, an invention, idea (list of registered trademark for sale available). Sell yours, buy others trademarks rights and other inellectual property.

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