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TRIZ and modern interdisciplinary technology, biotechnology and genetic engineering elements: reality and illusion (continued, part three)

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

1. TRIZ methodology declared refusal to activate sorting options, but most of the so-called TRIZ is precisely such methods (method of the little men, the operator PBC su-field analysis).
2. Su-field analysis presented in TRIZ scientific approach, based on analysis of the laws laid the structural development of technical objects. However, the assumption of a non-existent vepol physical fields, as well as an ambiguous interpretation of su-field structures and rules of transformation rather su-field analysis can be attributed to the methods of enhanced sorting options, but certainly not for scientific analysis.
3. The closest to the idea of formalizing the procedure of Inventive Problem Solving in TRIZ was to create tables and methods of solving technical contradictions. This approach was based on a statistical analysis of existing at the time of the specification. However, despite the prospect, he did not get in the further development of TRIZ, and because the available number of shortcomings and obsolescence inference lost its relevance for practical use.
4. A common illusion of the possibility of introducing TRIZ into production. At its core is an individual method of TRIZ problem solving, the use of which is a personal choice for the individual. For this reason, make TRIZ part of a production process is impossible. At best, the company can provide training TRIZ their employees to improve their creativity.
Very often, nature itself is the most effective and successful inventor, that demonstrates this message:
The paper gives details: "The bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans can live in an environment with a high content of chloride of gold." Moreover, the bacteria convert chloride, resulting in gold nuggets.

"Alchemy of Microbiology" - so named teacher of his works of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Kazem Kashefi (University of Michigan).

His co-author - Adam Brown - reading course electronic art and interactive media.
Scientists have found the opening of the original application - they created an art installation "Great Work metal fans." The main element - glass bioreactor with microorganisms that are in front of the audience to make gold.

Displayed as images of bacteria taken with an electron microscope, and Brown has covered the relevant areas of the image with gold leaf. Installation received an honorary prize at the prestigious exhibition kiberiskusstva Prix Ars Electronica in Austria, said the publication.

Implementation of even the most hopeful and promising innovative ideas today is impossible without well-organized collaboration between engineering companies, between companies with the experience, capabilities and relationships in the commercialization and companies prepared to become in this innovative alliance financial partner

Believe it is possible and necessary to give examples of different models of such cooperation

On an agreed topic preparing a joint project between several companies of which the first is an engineering company, the other company is a partner in the commercialization and the third company is a potential financial partner
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides financing for the project, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are shared equally between the partners (50% to 50%)
If the project under certain circumstances and conditions agreed upon is the third company or third financial partner, 50% of the earnings of the second company are distributed between it and the third company - the third financial partner

The theme of the project, the original documents to secure ownership of intellectual property, has the second company
The project is the first company does all the work and all the forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed among the partners (the second company receives from all the results of the project 80% to 20% for the first of the company)

The theme of the project, the original documents to secure ownership of intellectual property, the first company to offer
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed among the partners in proportion (70% to 30%)
If the project under certain circumstances and conditions agreed upon is the third company or third financial partner, 30% of the earnings of the second company are distributed between the second and third by the financial partner

The theme of the project, the original documents to secure ownership of intellectual property, the company offers an outsider
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed among the partners in proportion (20% to 20% to 60%)
If the project under certain circumstances and conditions agreed upon is the third company or fiscal fourth partner, each company receives 20% and the remaining percentage accrue financial partner

Project Title - transfer of technology, such as the CIS, despite the fact that a product or product out there already available commercially
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - commission payments, income from the sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed between the partners (the second company 30% to 70% for the first of the company)

Theme of the project - delivery of new materials, such as the CIS in the U.S.
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project until it receives commissions from sales, develop rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of new product sales in the U.S.
All the results of the project, - commission payments, income from the sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed between the partners (the second company 30% to 70% for the first of the company)

Theme of the project - supply of materials and components from the U.S., for example, the CIS countries and Europe
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project until it receives commissions from sales, develop rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of new product sales in
All the results of the project, - commission payments, income from the sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed between the partners (the second company 30% to 70% for the first of the company)

Theme of the project - a conclusion from the first idea of a site - Kick-starter
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project until it receives funding from the Kick-starter, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed between the partners (the second company 20% to 80% for the first of the company)

Theme of the project - a conclusion the idea of a second company on site Kick-starter
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project until it receives funding from the Kick-starter, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed between the partners (the second company 80% to 20% for the first of the company)

Theme of the project - Optimization of the project from a third party and output it to the site Kick-starter
The project is the first company does all the work and forms of intellectual property, prepares all documents and equipment for testing, accompanied by the production of prototypes, prepare instructions and operational documentation
In the second project, the company provides ongoing funding of the project until it receives funding from the Kick-starter, is developing rapid business plan and ensure the commercialization of a new product
All the results of the project, - sale of the project, the license to use the results of the project, the license to manufacture and implementation of the project results are distributed between the partners (the second company 80% to 20% for the first of the company)
Model of cooperation related to the withdrawal of a third company on the stock exchange:

Preparation and conclusion to the exchange of a third company, in accordance with the law 504 (Rule 504).
Accommodation for up to $ 1 million

1. Placement shall not exceed $ 1,000,000 during any consecutive 12 months.
2. Investment companies can not use the transaction category Regulation D.
3. All the general requirements applicable Regulation D excluding information.

Preparation and conclusion to the exchange of a third company, in accordance with the law 505 (Rule 505).
Accommodation for up to $ 5 million

1. Placement shall not exceed $ 5 million in any period of 12 months.
2. Securities can buy an unlimited number of accredited investors and
More than 35 non-accredited investors.
3. All the general requirements applicable Regulation D except news,
which do not apply in relation to accredited investors.

Preparation and conclusion to the exchange of a third company, in accordance with the law 506 (Rule 506).
Unlimited placement

1. The size of accommodation is not limited.
2. Securities can buy an unlimited number of accredited investors and
More than 35 non-accredited investors.
3. All the general requirements applicable Regulation D except news,
which do not apply in relation to accredited investors
4. All non-accredited investors must demonstrate the issuer, they of-
possess knowledge, have experience in financial operations and are able to assess the risks of invest-

Pre-condition for taking the output of the third company to the stock exchange, whereby a commission for the two companies must be 20% of the issued and outstanding shares on the exchange, including all subsequent placement

Indicated 20% of the shares as follows:

Where to place the shares on the stock exchange of a third company, the first company prepared a package of intellectual property on the underlying technology, the distribution of shares is executed by the proportion of 13% for the first company and 7% for the second company

Where to place the shares on the stock exchange of a third company, the first company provides a full set of technical, design documentation, and provided that payment for the time required to ensure the development of the second company, the distribution of shares is performed on the proportions - the second company - 10%, the first company - 10%

Approaches for commercialization and which most often have misconceptions Project authors:
Incorrect assessment of the situation to date:
1. The optimistic assessment - Complete the main investment risks:

The main risk for investors - is uncertainty with the possibility of obtaining a patent for this new technology, patents of Ukraine and Russia for utility models and industrial designs do not give no assurance that the real on this technology can get a patent, say in the U.S., the situation could drain receive the document FREADOM TO OPERATION OPINION

Quite often, inventors seek expert opinion of his invention or project in Russia
Results of the preliminary search in Moscow, unfortunately, not seen in other countries and do not guarantee obtaining a national patent in addition a preliminary search is not a full search and its results may differ materially from

It is often very controversial for investors seems the idea of a new product at a time when demand in the market is mainly just the usual well-known product;

In order to convince potential investors need serious market research, the results of which indicate the presence of demand for this kind of innovative products;

The second question - the quality of the product and its components, as it should be, as the equipment will conduct an on-line monitoring of the quality and composition of the components, of course there are still many questions to be answered before the technology to present to potential investors

2. Also, quite often the authors of innovation argue that their child does not have any "secrets" of the "know-how" and argue that this advantage. This has no dignity, take the example of Coca-Cola! Investors never invest in technologies such as (the cat in the bag)!

Also, even if one of the components of a product authorization or a certificate of quality, the mixing of two or more components which are not exempt from the need to obtain a certificate of quality mix!

Most - certificates of suppliers of components for the composition of these same components have no technical or medical or legal effect, require certificates for new, obtained by mixing the same components, the mixture or composition

It is very important to have ready answers to important questions that may arise from investors:

On what terms investors are expected to participate in the patent?

What proportion of the project they will receive funding for the patenting process?

As part of any commercial structure of the proposed cooperation in patenting?

What payment options are provided out of the business, provided that for any reason, patents have been received?

What guarantees on investment offered to investors?

to be continued ...

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