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Modularity, standardization and interoperability in multi-functional innovative technical solutions (continued , Part Four - Adaptation to TRIZ and ARIZ )

Andrew ( Gabriel ) Livshits


The following main areas:

1. The traditional event for the evolution of TRIZ and ARIZ - overall increase in algorithmic due to more complete and more in-depth use of objective laws of the development of technical systems.

2 . A substantial strengthening of the " bridge " ( causality ) between fiz-protivorechiem and the way his permission.

3 . Strengthening information collection , strengthening the links between TRIZ and ARIZ current standards.

4 . Bydelenie second half of ARIZ (the development and use of found ideas ) into a separate and independent algorithm .

5 . Development of a new beginning part ( or a single algorithm) to identify new challenges.

6. Strengthening obschevospitatelnoy function. TRIZ and ARIZ should vigorously develop the skills and selectively concentrated , purposeful and strong logical thinking.

7. The gradual increase in the multi-level integrative universalism , interchangeability , vzaimoprimenyaemosti and modularity. The combination of features and conversion of functional load between local units of the innovation system

On this perspective, it makes sense to detail

Sequential step by step algorithm is proposed to achieve this objective , of course in multi-function version with ensuring maximum uniformity and complete interchangeability of all the local links and elements of innovative technical solutions
Identify and formulate the final version of the generated ideas and the ultimate goal of the task of implementing this idea
What is the technical goal of solving the problem (" What is the characteristic of the object to be changed ? " There is a link at the parameters of the problem with the parameters of innovation tasks have already been successfully implemented ? ) .

What are the characteristics of the object can not be changed deliberately to solve the problem ?

What is the economic goal of solving the problem and what the commercial purpose pursued (" What costs will be reduced , if the problem is solved ? ").

What are the (approximately) the allowable costs?

What is the main technical and economic indicators have improved?

Check workaround. Let's say the problem is fundamentally undecided ; ka ¬ Kuyu other - more general known and already solved - the problem must then decide whether to get the desired end result?

( Use system analysis - a scheme of such an analysis can be based on the principles of patenting and licensing strategy , published earlier in the information resource ) .

Determine the solution of the problem which Tse ¬ expediency - the original or a bypass .
Compare the original problem with the trends of the development of this branch of engineering .

Compare the original problem with the trends of the industry 's leading technology.

Compare bypass the problem with the trends of the development of this branch of engineering .

Compare bypass the problem with the trends of the industry 's leading technology.

Compare the original problem with the bypass . Make the selection.

Determine the required amount ¬ governmental performance.

Mark as required by quantitative indicators ¬ " A correction for the time."

Clarify the requirements caused by con ¬ cific conditions in which it is assumed implementation of the invention .
Take into account the particular implementation. In particular, the degree of permissible solutions .
Take into account the estimated magnitude of application.


Clarify the problem using patent
literature. To search the U.S. Patent Office software patents granted on patent applications and patent applications on laid , To search the foundations of the European Patent Office in subsections regarding the names of the inventors , companies applying inventions and complex parameters and keywords

How ( on patent data) solve problems that are close to this ?

How to solve problems like this , a leading industry technology ?

How to solve the problem , check this ?

Apply operator PBC .
The operator PBC
a. Mentally change the size of the object of the correct value to 0 ( P > 0). How to solve the problem now ?

b . Mentally change the size of the object of the correct value to ∞ ( p -> ∞). How to solve the problem now ?

in . Mentally changing the process (or the speed of the object ) from the target value to 0 ( B > 0). How to solve the problem now ?

In my mind , the process of changing the time ( or the speed of movement of the object) of the correct value to ∞ ( In -> ∞). How to solve the problem now ?

change his mind on the cost ( allowable costs) objects that ¬ or process from the target value to 0 ( C > 0). How to solve the problem now ?

In my mind is the cost of change (allowed costs) objects that ¬ or process from the target value to ∞ ( C -> ∞). How to solve the problem now ?

To state the conditions of the problem ( not used ¬ Zuy special terms and does not indicate ¬ Vai - you need to come up with to find, create ) in two sentences in the following form :

a. Given a system that includes elements (list) .

b . Element (please specify)

in . provided (please specify)

gives the city an undesirable effect (please specify) .


"Dana electrical circuit consisting of a generator ¬ torus conductor current sink and ¬ A breaker . The switch by opening and closing the circuit gives an electrical arc " (problem number 1).

"Dan conduit with valve , in line with the moving water particles of iron ore. Part ¬ ore particle motion grated valve "( ca ¬ problem number 21).

"Dana Bay , consisting of banks, bottom, water and le ¬ zhaschego on the bottom layer of silt . The elimination of sludge at ¬ changes in the known processes causing pollution, requires a large consumption of time and resources ¬ Meni " (problem P).

" Given the vertically standing heavy concrete pipe and slope on which it should be lowered . If the pipe to lower the crane without complex devices , pipe , falling on a slope , can be destroyed "(for ¬ cottage number 37).

Move items from the 2- for in the following table:
If you consider ¬ Vat system as a device if considered ¬ Vat system as a way to
a. Items that can change , alter , convert ( in this task ) .
b . Items that are difficult to alter ¬ speciation ( in terms of the per ¬ cottages ) .

Examples: In problem number 1 generator , the conductor and the switch belong to the " a";

consumer power - to "b" ( con ¬ sumers - many ready and various machines, devices and difficult to reconstruct .)

In the task number 21 pipe and valve - "a" , the water and the particles of ore - "b."

In the problem of all the elements of R belong to the "b."

In the task number 37 and the pipe slope - "b" ( the tube can not be changed at all, the slope allowed to change only slightly ) .

Note: Just fill in one vertical row , that is sufficient to consider the system as a unit or as ¬ NESS way .

Choose from 2- 4a is an element , which ¬ ry are most resistant to change , alteration , changeover .
a. If all elements 2 4a equal in extent permitted changes selection start from a stationary element ( generally it is easier to change than movable ) .

b . If a 2 - 4a is an element that is directly related to the adverse effect ( usually the element pointing in 2-3 b) , select it in the least.
in . If the system has only the elements of 2- 4b , take as part of the external environment.

Examples: In problem number 1 three elements belong to the 2- 4a - generator , wire , circuit breaker . The switch is connected with adverse event ( arcing ) . Choose to be a generator or a conductor (the generator as a whole is stationary, so you can not give preference to the conductor ) .

In the task number 27 should choose the pipeline as valve associated with adverse event ( wears ) .

In the problems of P and 37 all the elements are 2- 4b , so choose to be outside.

PART 3 . analytical phase

Make a statement on RBIs after ¬ following form :
a. An object ( to take the item selected in 2-5) ;

b . What makes .

in . How does it himself .

When the city is doing.

etc. If any mandatory conditions ( restrictions friction ¬ ments , etc.) .

Examples: In problem number 1 - "Generator ... interrupts and restore ¬ rehydrating
current supply ... myself ... when you have a consumer ... preventing the arc . "

In the task number 21 - "The pipeline ... changes its lo ¬ chenie ... myself ... when it is necessary to regulate the flow of ... no abrasion . "

In the problem of P - " The environment ... eliminate or ... itself ... in the short term ... no pollution of the sea, the coast and the atmosphere . "

In the task number 37 - " The environment ... lowers labor ¬ bu ... itself ... while laying ... without damage . "

Make two drawings : "it " (until RBIs ) and "after " ( ICD) .
a. Drawings can be conditional - only to reflect the essence of the " have " and "after ."

b . Figure "after" must be the same with fiber ¬ spring wording RBIs.

The drawings should have all the elements to contradict ¬ calculus in 2- 3a.
If at step 2-5 selected external environment, ¬ it on to point out the figure " cost."

In Figure " was " to find the element specified in 3 -1a, and to separate the part of it that can not make the required actions when friction ¬ buoy conditions. Mark this part (bar ¬ Coy , a different color , stroke contours , etc.) .

In task 21, a number part is the inner surface of the pipeline .

In the task number 37 - the section of the environment between the pipe and slope .

In the problem of P - pallet bay area ( other areas of the environment - the sea, the beach, in the atmosphere - are excluded under the terms of 3- 1e) .

Why can not this part of the implementation ¬ tages desired action ?

In the task number 21 - "The inner surface of the pipe is not able to compress and decompress ."

In the task number 37 - " The environment between the pipe and slope can not smoothly lower the pipe ."

In the problem of P - " Trays ( deep , underground ) area has no voids connected to the bottom of the bay.

Under what conditions can make this part of the required action ( what properties ¬ mi she should have ) ?

Note : Do not think so far - whether practically feasible ¬ cally desirable property . Call it a ¬ NESS , without worrying about how it will be achieved ¬ NLRB .

In the task number 21 - " On the inside surface of the pipe is growing something , and then - if necessary ¬ Bridge - disappears ."

In the task number 37 - " The environment between the pipe and the slope has a density sufficient to smoothly ¬ th lowering the pipe ."

In the problem of P - " in the pan ¬ empty set of frequencies that communicate with the bottom of the bay ."

What should I do to become a dedicated part of the object properties identified in the 3-5 ?

Figure :
Ancillary questions:
a. Show of force by the arrow , which should be at ¬ lozheny to the selected portion of the facility to provide desirable properties ¬ tional .

b . What are some ways you can create ¬ give these powers?

( Strike out ways that violate ¬ ing conditions 3- 1e) .

In task number 21 - " Increase the inner surface of the pipe or iron ore particles , water ( ice) ." Other substances within the pipeline is not, and this is determined by the choice.

In the task number 37 - "Between the pipe and slope loca ¬ lay down instead of air dense medium that is easy to be gradually clean up - ice , sand and so on ."

In the problem of P - " To find a natural or artificial cavity under the bottom of the bay, connect them to the bottom of the wells ."

Formulate a method which can be done practically . If there are several ways , indicate their numbers ( the most promising - the number 1 , and so on). Write down how you ¬ brane .

Post a diagram of a device for the implementation ¬ ted the first method :
Figure :
Ancillary questions:
a. What is the physical state of pa ¬ working part of the device?

b . How does the device into the Techa ¬ tion of one cycle ?

in . How does the device after many cycles ?

( After solving the problem should go back to step 3-7 and consider other ways listed there ) .


What is impaired if the proposed device ? Make a note - that complicates ¬ nyaetsya , increases the cost , etc.

Is it possible modification of the proposed ¬ Guy device to prevent this deterioration ? Draw a diagram of a modified device.

What is now deteriorating (which compli ¬ nyaetsya , increases the cost , etc.) ?

Match to win and pro ¬ payoff :
a. What more?

b . Why ?

If you win more than lose (even in the future) , go to the synthetic part of ARIZ .

If you lose more than win , go back to step 3-1 . Record on the same sheet of the course re-analysis and re ¬ result.

If we now win more, skip to the synthetic step ARIZ . If re- ana ¬ sis gave new results, go back to step 2-4, check the table . Taken in 2-5 other elements and re-run the analysis. Record the progress of analysis on the same sheet .

If there is no satisfactory solution after 4-5 Perey ¬ ty to the next part of ARIZ .

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