Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits
So we decided on the solution of the efficiency of liquid hydrocarbon fuel mixtures through the active dissolution in them flammable gas or a mixture of combustible gases Because shale gas, through which fuel technologies in revolutionary changes have taken place, including in terms of innovation, it is becoming more available, consider some aspects of active dissolution of shale natural gas and hydrocarbon gas equivalents TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATED activating the fuel mixture by dissolving in diesel or gasoline petroleum gas (methane, propane or gas mixtures of propane-butane) before entering into the combustion chamber 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Describes the process of activating the fuel mixture Possible components of the fuel mixture Description of Embodiments of the apparatus for activating a complex fuel mixture Advantages for the activation process fuel mixture obtained in the process for activating the device proposed by the properties and characteristics of the device What are the proven technologies preceded the emergence of integrated technology activate the fuel mixture, and how they are affected in a positive aspect to this technology and its output parameters and characteristics Feature activation technology for integrated fuel mixture Consistent description of the technology transition of the integrated activation of the fuel mixture Schematic diagram of the device and the components of the fuel system of a vehicle or an aircraft that uses complex technology to activate the fuel mixture The order of the device to activate the integrated fuel mixture as an example of its introduction into the fuel system of a vehicle or aircraft Operating characteristics activated fuel mixture before it is fed into the combustion chamber Performance of the fuel mixture flow after the combustion chamber Methods for regulating the basic performance of the activated fuel mixture, the ability to remotely control the regulatory process, the main adjustable parameters; feedback in the regulation of Key operating parameters of the activated complex fuel mixture forming its advantages over the prior art embodiments and techniques for the preparation of the fuel before it is fed into the combustion chamber Description of the injection process is activated complex fuel mixture in the combustion chamber and the benefits arising from the injection of fuel is activated complex mixtures Prospective and design characteristics of the activated complex combustion process fuel mixture Technical and commercial advantages of an integrated activate the fuel mixture INTRODUCTION A complex technology impact on the fuel mixture, before entering into the combustion chamber; The proposed technology is to use only well-known and repeatedly tested physical laws and principles embodied in the compact integral structural design; The proposed technology and device for its implementation, allow us to apply them to real systems of internal combustion engines, without any change or modification of their design or the slightest change in the principle of operation; The proposed technology is to use only well-known and widely used combustible fuel components and their combinations; The proposed technique allows the use of a complex together with the well-known and new fuel components in various combinations known, which are formed in the proposed activation process, dissolution and mixing with them due to the properties and characteristics of the device for implementing the proposed technology; The universal flexible technology that allows flexible use flow diagrams within the same device for the implementation of the technology; The composition of the proposed technology is a control system monitoring and control parameters based on a minimum number of control and controlled process parameters, having a direct relationship and direct impact on the effectiveness of the activation process as the fuel mixture and the level of efficiency of the mixture in the course of its combustion obtaining the necessary energy and environmental performance; DESCRIPTION The activation process fuel mixture The purpose of the activation process are: - increase the octane number or setanovogo in the fuel mixture supplied to each cycle in the combustion chamber; - Reduction of fuel consumption;
- Increase of the specific heat value of the fuel;
- Improving the uniformity of the combustion of fuel;
- Improving the combustion of fuel - to reduce the concentration of toxic gases in the exhaust from the combustion chamber;
getting the maximum return on energy combustion - reducing vibration and aerodynamic noise from the combustion of fuel; - A reliable remote control of the combustion process and the activation of the fuel mixture before it is supplied to the combustion chamber, and the full effect of controlled parameters on the results of controlled burning of the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber;
Technological route activation process fuel mixture is as follows: dominant on the proportional content of the fuel mixture, the fuel component is contained in a sealed tank having a permanent sensors viscosity, density, temperature, and level sensor of this component in the tank; said sensor signals fed to the process control system, the control system includes a fuel pump with an adjustable and controlled flow and pressure and the pump supplies said liquid fuel component in the fuel line; fuel line connected to the input device to activate an integrated fuel mixture, in which device the first downstream section of the fuel mixture, where it is fed to the pressure developing a fuel pump, said flow transformed micro dispersed on several channels and acquires high turbulence; the second section of the device to activate the fuel mixture flows in a high level of turbulence is introduced under pressure compressed fuel gas stream due to the high linear velocity, a vacuum is created locally in the entrance to the fluid flow, this vacuum assists the flow of fuel gas which is compressed under pressure , enter into the liquid flow, which does not compress under pressure; wherein the compound in a local zone of two different environments - the liquid and gaseous, considering that the junction zone is formed by a local depression region is formed pseudo boiling volume passing in the foam; foam under the combined pressure of the combustion chamber moves towards the end of movement and the combustible gas is completely dissolved in the liquid fuel in a state of liquid fuel mixture with a dissolved gas fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber; Possible components of the fuel mixture Among the components of the fuel mixture, which in the device for activating the fuel mixture are mixed and activation can include multiple groups of components; The main components of the dominant group is a group of liquid hydrocarbons such as gasoline, diesel, ethanol, kerosene; Supporting group of liquid hydrocarbons which can be used as components of the fuel mixture can be synthetic gasoline, hydrocarbons of biological origin, LPG Supporting Force liquid components are a liquid fuel mixture of inorganic origin, such as water previously purified, synthetic water; synthetic water obtained directly in the engine in the heat pipe; Alternatively, the inorganic component of the liquid fuel can be water saturated coal dust or carbon; Alternatively, the gaseous fuel can be used for part compressed combustible gas or mixture of aerosol-based combustible gases with different hydrocarbons obtained by filtration integrated fuel gas before it is fed to the compressor;
DESCRIPTION OF OPTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DEVICE ACTIVATION OF FUEL MIXTUREDevice for activating an integrated fuel mixture consists of two working sections; First-facing fuel mixture - is a hydraulic section that follows it - pneumatic section; The hydraulic section has a constructive option, the system comprising an intense swirl mixing of liquid components of the fuel mixture takes place without additional energy, and using the same structural elements of the section, the purpose of which increase the level of turbulence; Pneumatic section is intended to increase the flow rate of pressurized fuel gas, the introduction of this stream into a turbulent flow of liquid components of the fuel mixture, the conversion of the integrated fuel mixture flow of foam components and outputting a fuel mixture of an activated complex with dissolved gas fuel into the fuel conduit; A device for activating the integrated fuel mixture is mounted in the fuel line and has a sealed, resistant to high pressure housing with fastening elements to the fuel line; BENEFITS OF FUEL activation of the mixture obtained in the activation in the device to activate the fuel mixture, BY THE DEVICE ITSELF AND PERFORMANCE The main advantage of the base unit for the integrated activation of the fuel mixture is the formation of the activation process in both of the main sections on the basis of the principle of Bernoulli; The principle of forming a channel for traffic-fuel mixture is to transform a cylindrical channel fuel pipe into the annular channel with a larger diameter and a small distance between the cylindrical shells bounding the channel, but with an equivalent total area of flow section of the channel, and thus created the preconditions for the appearance of foci of turbulence components in the flow of fuel mixture and forming conditions for rapid dissolution of combustible gases in liquid hydrocarbons; Local area in which the conditions for the occurrence of critical physical phenomena inherent effect Bernoulli, arranged sequentially along the movement components of the fuel mixture, so that the liquid fuel mixture of the components dispersed in these zones are created in which turbulence of the vortex under high pressure and high speed input streams compressed fuel gas or mixture of combustible gas; process occurs in the sealed volume within the pressure hull that allows to raise the pressure of fuel gas, which when combined with the flow of an incompressible liquid-fuel mixture is compressed in volume and forms bubbles of small size with a high pressure inside the bubble, since the volume is closed, the position of bubbles and their relationship with the liquid fuel mixture components remain stable during all the time spent in the closed volume of the mixture before injection to the combustion chamber; Thus all of the major beneficial properties of the activated complex fuel mixture formed by the structural differences of integrated devices for activating the fuel mixture; WHAT proven technologies precede the emergence of technologies for complex activation of the fuel mixture, and how they affect the positive aspect THIS
TECHNOLOGY AND WEEKEND FEATURES AND OPTIONSThe creation of an integrated technology activate the fuel mixture preceded aerodynamic technology capture subjects from a variety of media, such as the gas medium and liquid medium; When implementing technology aerodynamic grip were created aerodynamic grips, allowing for equal geometric size and power consumption to get 10 times more capacity; High efficiency vacuum zone creation and tools to create local zones vacuum transferred to a substantial modernization, the authors of previous inventions in the technology of integrated activated fuel mixture;