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Bio-fuel composition and the role of innovation reagent-less process of homogenization in their successful implementation

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

Today we have the whole world, are in a difficult economic situation. It is reminiscent of the military situation on the eve of what that hypothetical war. But we do about it still do not know, though beginning to guess.

Economic growth in developed countries is totally dependent on exports. Enemy number one in industrial and agricultural exports is ready to launch an attack on our borders. The world is experiencing in these days of a severe crisis caused by the decrease in commodity demand.
At the same time, more money, without exception, all countries have to spend on the acquisition of energy resources and their cost, or causes to reduce rates of profits, or the direct appreciation of consumer goods

This is a more serious systemic crisis than in 2008-2009. In Europe, there is a sharp decline in demand for certain goods and services - by tens of percent. We are talking about countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal. In all the countries of the Old World there is a significant price reduction. At the same time in China is a serious economic slowdown. The same process occurs in India and South Africa.

Option to reduce production costs through the use of fuel compositions based ethanol is not suitable for Europe as well as a more or less tolerable ethanol can be blended with gasoline, but diesel fuel, based on existing technology mix, a blend of high quality and stable extremely difficult

And as in Europe, most of the diesel engine is, then it is clear that the reduction in production costs can not count

The crisis in demand for goods and services means that industrialized countries will face serious problems selling their products. This will lead to the collapse of many enterprises and companies. Also be affected, and financial companies, especially banks. The European banking system demonstrates the dangerous trend. If you seriously hurt European banks, it will strike and financial institutions around the world.

The conclusion is clear: all of us, especially proponents of innovation projects should finally understand that we are in the midst of severe crisis. You should immediately implement a series of necessary measures: to freeze the prices in the business and public sectors, to reduce all government spending and focus on innovation, which can give immediate commercial impact.
It should forget about social protest as long as a new economic recovery will begin. I hope that this will happen in 2014. It is necessary to allocate a significant amount in each state budget, each country, which can be defined as a "stabilization fund". This financial source will become a strategic weapon in the hands of the heads of government, by which they will be able to save the business sector, which may be on the verge of collapse. It is important to businesses, companies and banks.

We have no time left. It's time to get rid of illusions. It should concentrate all our efforts on saving the economy and its reorientation towards innovative perspectives. The crisis has already arrived. If we fail to unite, we are waiting for the fate of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland. By the way, very soon we will hear about the crisis in France, Hungary, Belgium and other countries.

Where is the solution to the problem, at least in the fuel economy?
Many developers believe the fuel compositions of this decision - the homogenization of fuel, especially all types of diesel and fuel oil

According to World Bank experts, energy non-effectiveness costs anywhere in the world is too expensive and even more costly in the near future, such as Russia, despite its seemingly complete independence from the sources of energy supply, this excessive extravagance and carelessness in the cost of 84-112 billion . dollars a year, it does not receive as revenue from oil and gas exports. At the same time, according to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Russia could save 45% energy consumption.

This increase in efficiency is three times cheaper to scale up production of energy. Today, however, Russia's economy annually provides its largest energy subsidy of $ 40 billion. While the probable annual savings could reach $ 3-5 billion.

These figures are from the new World Bank report "Energy Efficiency in Russia: Untapped Reserves" speak for themselves. The need to solve the accumulated problems of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the economy, industry, public utilities - is obvious and has no alternative.

Energy-saving is one of the most important factor in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises, industries and the economy as a whole. The introduction of energy-saving technologies not only reduces the cost and improve the competitiveness of products, but also contributes to the stability of the fuel and energy complex and improve the environmental situation.
Despite this, in Russia, as in many other countries do not have the habit to save. But there is a habit of living in a big way, imagining the great extent of his native country and its bottomless reserves of resources.

However, going down to the ground, we understand that every business can count only on itself and consume only the resources available.

Fuel costs in the cost structure of transport companies and boiler make up 40% and higher prices for diesel fuel component of this percentage increases significantly.

In addition, modern trucks that meet environmental standards Euro-3 (since 2005 - even more stringent Euro 4), have little or no opportunity to refuel without consequences in Russia because of the low quality of fuel is implemented.

Prudent owner autoenterprises or boiler, appreciating its resources, treat them with care and, where possible - saves them.

It is for such savings in fuel savings and create a device for homogenizing fuel. Homogenized fuel, in contrast to the usual, has the best consumer qualities, burns completely, do not crash "into the pipe," increases the efficiency of the unit, the consumer has the best quality without clogging the engine or boiler and less polluting exhaust emissions and ultimately save itself .
Special mention should be the most efficient process for dynamic homogenization, which is relatively easy to integrate into any thermodynamic system

Why is homogenized fuel better than usual, and how to get?

Average diesel fuel, in addition to hydrocarbons, also contains water molecules, paraffins, seraorganicheskie connections and mechanical impurities. Most fuel molecules are polymerized in the (fixed) state. When ignited the mixture of the combustion process will begin on the active side of each large "sticky" polymeric link. In this case the combustion process will be slowed down by collisions with water molecules of the polymer, and the burning of paraffin and sulfur will be incomplete, resulting in slower combustion, toxic waste, coking, and incomplete combustion of the fuel mixture as a whole.

However, if you make the fuel composition is finely dispersed and homogeneous (homogeneous), it will lead to a number of positive changes that affect its calorie content and the quality of combustion, namely, during the homogenization of polymer chains of the organic fuels are broken, forming a large number of active molecules of the parties, that come into the oxidation process at the same time is much faster. In addition, there is a rupture bonds of the molecules with the formation of free radicals, which have a much greater ability to fire than closed molecules. The polymer chains of water molecules are destroyed, the water passes into a fine state of partial formation of free H + ions and OH-, which are involved in the combustion process is much more active and form unstable, easily oxidized compounds with free radicals of organic fuel. Sulfur and paraffin in the form of crushing surface-active agents (surfactants), which, as a container surrounded by a microparticle emulsion and prevent their further agglomeration. There is emulsified fuel mixture.

These emulsified mixture have better calorific value, combustion characteristics are uniform, save hydrocarbon fuel to form combustion pollutants are 2-3 times smaller than conventional fuels. Currently, there are many types of equipment for the homogenization of fuels and raw materials, a water fuel emulsions. However, the most promising in terms of economy and efficiency in achieving the required quality of fragmentation are dynamic devices based on the principles of cavitation. The so-called cavitation emulsifiers. They are the same - homogenizers, dispersers, or cavitators.

For best effect emulsified mixture should have a high level of dispersion, to be uniform (homogeneous) and do not delaminate a few months.

These requirements are met by the latest dynamic homogenizers, mounted on a fuel pipeline, processing capacity from 3 to 100 gallons of fuel per hour.

These devices create homogeneous fuel composition with homogeneity and dispersion of 0.6-1 microns, which are not stratified by feeding to the fuel pump, for example, high pressure pump.
In order to increase the heat transfer of heavy fuels can be added to water (for water-free fuel oil up to 10-15%). We have experience burning on a regular basis flooded fuel oil containing more than 50% of the water without any problems with the damping of the boiler and maintenance of fuel burning.

Due to cavitation effects, such as fuel oil is converted into a homogeneous emulsion, in which all were in mixed light and heavy (bitumen) fractions, as well as water and solids. This improves the burner nozzles: nozzle clogging less, the torch is uniform and does not pulsate, decreases the amount of soot.

The nozzles operate stably at lower loads. The negative impact of water present in the fuel oil is neutralized. The water content of 10% does not impair the technological characteristics of the boiler, but at a higher water content of the fuel can still be used without removing it.
Becomes available replacing expensive grades of fuel oil to low-grade, when they are used in the water-oil emulsions retains all the basic physical and mechanical properties of the fuel (heat of combustion, viscosity, etc.).

Homogenizer operating in dynamic mode and real-time restore and improve the properties of the stale and watered fuel oil, increase the yield of light products from crude oil, fuel oil provide complete combustion in the boilers and the ship's engines, the production of fuels from the furnace sludge, complete cleaning of external walls of the reservoirs in boilers.
All this combined will save up to 20% fuel oil and 15% of light fuels. Complex, including the processing of bitumen and cavitation fluid, and make them pliable and allows the water-bitumen emulsions for road works, which reduce the cost of repairing and paving asphalts by 30% and asphalt can be laid out in the rain ...

Homogenizers used for the preparation of mixed fuels: oil, and waste alcohol production, fuel oil and coal tar, coal-water fuels, biofuels, as well as preparation for the effective utilization of fire of various liquid wastes mixed with fuel oil to heat and power stations. In addition, they are used for off-task

Experts Innovative warehouse and industrial companies think about the most simple and effective solution which allows to use the combustion of the most efficient thermodynamic cycle, and thus set themselves the question - How to make fuel cheap, environmentally friendly and easy to manufacture?

The recent jumps in oil prices was puzzled by this question a lot of smart goals. And the last squeak of an innovative fashion - dilute gasoline with methyl alcohol. Although alcohol more octane, and it burns differently, but a small admixture of methanol in gasoline - it's how to add butter to mush.

The next step is diluted with methanol (methyl alcohol), diesel fuel, including the most severe of its kind, as well as fuel oil

Experts say are engaged in projects of methyl - Methyl alcohol cheaper than gasoline, its octane number greater than one hundred, no dirty exhaust, no carbon dioxide, so it's useful for pedestrians and drivers. "

Methyl additives common in Asia, particularly China, and now begins an experiment in other countries

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