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Inventions that open scientific - technical direction defining an augmented reality visualization

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

Until a few years ago, as a miracle, there helmets for pilots of combat aircraft, on a transparent panel which displays the current information
This group of inventions quickly caught on and today it is one of the most important areas of technology management and control for aircraft
Consumer Electronics has developed so deep that similar ideas are embodied in the mass-market consumer devices
Briefly about these inventions
Google is developing goggles instead of glasses which are transparent screens. It is reported by site 9to5Google referring to a person who saw the prototype.
Points can perform several tasks. First, they are in addition to locating services Google. On glass screens will display information about surrounding user objects. Second, the prototype points will be built camera with flash. The picture with it needs to be used in applications, but will also take pictures possible.
Manage the system, presumably, will be bowed. A few buttons will be put to the bow points.
Points will be embedded in the module GPS; it is also possible that they will be Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. 9to5Google informant stated that the hardware specifications of points correspond to the "old smartphone."
The first information about the glasses, which the media called Google X Glasses, appeared in December 2011. Two months later, the project information was confirmed, with some clarifications. Anyone who has seen a prototype of people said that the screen will be only one lens, and not two, as previously thought. Externally, the device resembles Oakley Thump - sunglasses with MP3-player, which came out in 2004.
When Google is going to start selling glasses is unknown. According to one version, before sending Google X Glasses to stores, the company has to make a "pilot test" - freely available game points of its employees or a limited number of persons.
Glasses with transparent screens are an example of "augmented reality" - where virtual objects are superimposed on real world objects. In the film series, "The Terminator," especially those with a vision of the hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Evidence of recent days show that this theme is very popular and in this field of technology and innovation play an increasingly large players
Microsoft has filed with the U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) application, which describes the augmented reality glasses - a device that can "impose" virtual objects in the image of the world. It is reported by Unwired View.
Unlike glasses Project Glass, a company that develops Google, Microsoft device is not designed for continuous wear. It is understood that the user wears glasses in situations to guide people in that may require further clarification.
Such situations, according to Microsoft, are public events - such as concerts or sporting events. In the latter case, the points can show statistics for teams and individual players, score, player names, and so on.
Points may include a camera, microphone and speakers. Tips that gives the device can be either text or voice.
The U.S. Patent Office issued a notification on November 22. Microsoft has sent a document to the Office in May 2011.
The development of augmented reality glasses are a few companies. Points Google, uses the operating system Android, will go on sale in 2013, on a device with similar features also works Olympus. The company released the Oakley ski mask with a miniature screen, which shows the athlete his speed and other information.
Not all developed systems and devices have the same features

Olympus has unveiled a prototype augmented reality glasses called MEG4.0, according to a press release.
Opposite is the user's eye glasses display with a resolution of 320 by 240 pixels. The picture on the screen superimposed on the "picture of the world" through the eyes of the device owner. Glasses weigh less than 30 grams.
As planned by Olympus, the screen lights up points is not constant. It is included on the average every three minutes fifteen seconds, displaying the necessary information, and then goes out again. In this mode, the use of glasses can run for up to eight hours.
In glasses built-in accelerometer. It allows you to control the movements of the head unit. In addition, the accelerometer determines which direction the user is looking.
Points are connected with a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth. The device is built-in camera.
Olympus emphasizes that the glasses are an experimental device. Do you plan to run them in mass production, the company said.
The development of augmented reality glasses as the company does Google. Unlike glasses Olympus, Google Glasses equipped camera and display images on the screen continuously, rather than at intervals of 15 seconds.
Google Glasses on sale in 2013 at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars, but they will be able to buy only the developers. A cheaper version for casual users will be in stores later.
Search free niches on the specified technology field continues with exceptional intensity
U.S. company Oakley introduced ski mask augmented reality, according to a press release. The mask is called Oakley Airwave.
Airwave allows skiers and snowboarders to get information about the current altitude and speed and distance traveled, staying focused on skating. Information is displayed on a small screen, which is opposite of the right eye by. Technology for screen display Oakley licensed from Recon Instruments.
The mask can be associated with a smartphone on iOS and Android via Bluetooth. In this case, the screen will be displayed and information on new emails, messages and calls, as well as music tracks that play player.
Airwave developed application for Buddy. It lets you know which friends of the owner mask rides nearby. "Scroll" of the data on the screen by using the remote control, which is mounted on the wrist skier.
The mask went on sale on October 31. In the U.S., it costs $ 599. Buy Airwave will be not only in sports shops, but in the Apple Store - retail stores of Apple.
Under the augmented reality (DR) understand the technology overlay virtual objects on the picture of the real world in the eyes of man. The most popular domestic use technology - it does the DR and DR glasses. In the browser, virtual objects are superimposed on the image from the camera smartphone or tablet, and glasses - are displayed on the lens or on the mini-monitor.
Google has begun testing augmented reality glasses, according to The New York Times. Photos published scores in the social network Google+.
Judging by the pictures, the prototype glasses has glasses. The device is a ring, which is held on the head with attachments from the nose and ear hook. Right in front of my eyes are tiny transparent screen and a camera that looks in the direction "of the user."
Technical data points Google does not, but presumably, they are integrated speakers, microphone, GPS and Wi-Fi.
An example of the use of glasses is shown in the video "Project Glass: one day." The device informs the user of incoming messages, like appointments and helps to get to the right place, displaying a map with directions. Man communicates with the glasses using voice commands.
All the information, "superimposed" on the picture of reality as it appears to the user's own eyes, not overshadow it. Technology bringing virtual objects in a picture of the real world is called "augmented reality."
It is possible that the camera in the glasses is not only used for photos and videos, but also to analyze the situation. For example, when the person in the video looks out the window, the screen displays the weather forecast.
In the social network Google+ about glasses told Google employees Babak Parviz (Babak Parviz), Steve Lee (Steve Lee) and Sebastian Tran (Sebastian Thrun). They asked people to name the problem, which, in their opinion, should be able to carry the device.
According to The New York Times, for the development of navigation software for glasses meets Steve Lee, who had previously been involved in the creation of the service "Latitude". Sebastian Tran develops robotic machines that move without "live" driver. Babak Parviz is one of the creators of the prototype contact lens augmented reality.
The fact that Google is developing a score, it was revealed in early February. Does the company plan to start after the testing device on the market, is still unknown.
But the creation of the device without the software - algorithmic peripherals makes this technology is developing so rapidly, as required by the market
And it seems there was a decision

U.S. scientists have proposed the concept of the electronic weighing devices, information is stored and processed in the same cell - just as it does in the neurons of the brain. Preprint of leaked archive at Cornell University, wrote briefly about her blog publication Technology Review.
The principal difference between the new computing devices from existing computers is that the storage and processing of the information in it is not separated spatially, and is carried out in the same cells. It is so arranged the work of the human brain and nervous any network.
In the brain, both at the level of the neuron is the sum of signals coming from many other neurons, and memory formation of already conducted impulses. At the heart of this process is the synaptic plasticity - the property of nerve contacts with frequent use work better.
Electronic analog of a neuron in a new computer can perform membrane devices - special resistors, capacitors and coils. The first of them - the memristor was theoretically described forty years ago, but only managed to create it in 2008. Memristor is a resistor that changes its resistance depending on the current passing through it in the past.
The authors of the new study showed how combining and combining membrane computing devices to the car, the power of which is not limited to constant throwing of data from memory to the processor and back.
Alternatively, membrane devices to create "electronic brain" scientists see spintronics - electronics on their backs. Previously, Intel engineers have proposed neyromorfnogo chip - a basic unit of the computer.

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