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Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

General information

All projects of this group of technical solutions are based on a method for encoding and subsequent identification of the record coding element

The essence of the principle is applied to the protected object encoding coating or equivalent technology and measuring the thickness of the coating, which determines the identity or the measurement results do not match with the code

When the coincidence result with a positive identification is established by the coding elements do not coincide with - the identification is negative and stopping or blocking of the working cycle of the equipment or user information, for example - PC

Additional technology features

Technologically issues special coating resolved and this technology has been extensively tested on analogous problems associated with the control of film thickness on the solar panels and traditional semiconductor manufacturing

Additional features and applications of technology to the new conditions in the market for media and storage devices in the last year

Due to the emergence of new formats and writes to optical storage media using blue lasers, and in connection with the start of production of multi-layer optical disc based on the same technology, the proposed principles and technical solutions for secure coding has become even more important as the number of recorded information on each disk increases and the lack of protection results in an increasing loss of confidential or sensitive data

In addition to the transmitted information must specify the encoding capabilities of each layer in the multi-layer discs, which encrypts every level of the recording layers, which is a significant improvement of optical media format in three terms, and is a means of security (for a particularly important and sensitive information) of the local selectively encoding information within one disk

Organization of corporate security systems

The technology proposed for the organization of the system of protection of information flows within a corporation provides protection for multiple system levels, including the tracking system in real-time status and location of each drive, available in a corporation

When using coding methods proposed for the protection of information on mobile external media are expected to result the same advantages as in the use of optical data storage media, and

Changes in the structure and limits of the use of the product created by the project
Thus on the basis of similar solutions can create at least two project more applications each, - the draft optical encoding technology for storage of information in a disc, and the corresponding analytical comprising - a sensor device, which may in turn have many applications in various fields and industries, and the project to encode and protect information on mobile external storage media includes both mobile and stationary appropriate sensory measurement - analytically - a comparative device, which also has many applications and design - models

Additional devices and systems that can be created on the basis of the same principle of technological solutions

The structure of the projects by requiring the consumer projects could include a section on additional devices by which formed the whole corporate system security and protection of information flows within a corporation or group of corporations, or (in the Russian specifics - state corporations) of the individual scientific - research institutions, academic institutions and major institutions in the health system

As a special product can be a system of information security not only in the store but in the operational area, the transmission of commands and signals in terms of army units and formations in the context of the military - the Navy

Under present conditions, when the information is concentrated in a relatively very small size and volume of the device for its storage and potential damage from unauthorized or criminal entry into these amounts of information can be prevented or localized by creating a special infrastructure of these protective systems that can be standardized in the within the specifics of the ministry headquarters or corporate structure of compounds and businesses lower organizational level

Confidentiality of information

More details (in volumes beyond the scope of this presentation and illustrative material to it) all the necessary information can be provided in documentary - the legal formulation of the intentions of the potential customer or partner, after the signing of the contract on confidentiality (soglassovannoy at a mutually acceptable to both sides, legal form)
For a more complete understanding of the physical basis of the existing operations of coding and decoding of optical discs used magnetic - resonance method, a brief description of which is given below

Brief description of the resonance method:

The method provides for the establishment of alternating electromagnetic field in the space in which the sample is located. This field is the mediator between the resonant circuit and the test sample.

On the one hand, the resonant circuit is an emitter (emitter) of the field, and on the other - acceptor (the sensor), the changes in the electro-magnetic field, which makes the test sample.
Even in the test sample otsutvii sozdoval solenoid alternating electromagnetic field is the sum of the two electro-magnetic fields that vary in opposite phase to each other.

One field is generated by a change in the magnetic induction coil and has the effect of vortex electric field (Maxwell-Faraday equation).

Other - generated by variation of the electric field created by a potential difference between the end most distant from each other by the solenoid coils (when the sample is placed inside a solenoid), or a potential difference between the nearest surface of the measuring coil and the sample by sample (if the sample is located opposite the end of the solenoid) and has the effect of vortex magnetic field (Ampère's circuital law with Maxwell's correction).

Under the influence of an external alternating electro-magnetic field in the test sample, depending on its nature, can be induced by electrical phenomena such as linear eddy currents and conduction line and the eddy current displacement, as well as linear and ionic eddy currents (the orderly motion of ions).

In accordance with the principle of superposition of fields, these electrical phenomena distort the external alternating electromagnetic field.

These distortions are perceived solenoid resonant sensor. The resonant circuit, which includes a solenoid that changes its behavior is similar to that as if its constituent elements have been added: capacitor, inductor and resistor.

The collection of additional capacitance, inductance and active resistance is an additional impedance introduced into the system of the test sample, the attribute and measure the resonance sensor.

Changes in the parameters of the resonant circuit is reflected in changes its ampditudno-frequency characteristic, namely, change the resonant frequency and the amplitude of the contour. Exploring these changes, it is possible to judge the impedance of the sample.

Principle of processing data received from sensors resonance

Resonant sensor to determine the total impedance value of the sample at the operating frequency of the transducer (see "Summary of the resonance method"). By itself, this value is uninformative.
But everything changes radically if we have a set of sensors with different operating frequencies.
In this case, there is the possibility to use a unique natural phenomenon observed in all types of materials: inorganic, organic and biological.

This phenomenon consists in that the substance changing its specific impedance versus frequency, acting on it, the electric field and the change depends on the composition of the test substance.

This phenomenon is actively explores and uses a fast growing in recent scientific field called impedance spectroscopy.

In English-language sources, it is more often called Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) (Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)) (see

Impedance spectroscopy - impedance spectroscopy - method of investigation of various objects based on the measurement and analysis of the impedance on the frequency of the alternating current.
Other objects and processes are characterized by different dependencies of active and reactive impedance of the frequency, which makes it possible to solve the inverse problem - receiving information about those objects and processes by analyzing the frequency response characteristics of an alternating current (see by / terms.htm).

The fact that the change in impedance when the frequency is dependent on the composition of the substance, allows to detect changes in the effect of each component on the overall impedance substance at different frequencies.

After determining the weighting coefficients corresponding components influence on the total impedance of the substance on each of the operating frequency of the resonant sensor can be based on the sensor values by solving a system of linear equations to obtain information about the concentration of the test components.

The accuracy of this method has a huge impact right choice of operating frequency sensors.
By scanning over a wide frequency range necessary to determine the most characteristic component for each frequency domain, that is the frequency at which the component provides the greatest response.

Traditional impedance spectroscopy (see in their research uses AC voltage source, which is a contact method affects the sample, while in the chain of an electric current, the magnitude and phase shift which depends on the impedance of the sample.
Results are typically in the form of Lissajous or Nyquist diagrams. In these studies, it is difficult to achieve high sensitivity and accuracy.

The proposed method, in which the impedance measurement is made by means of resonant circuits, has a significantly higher sensitivity and precision, plus it without contact.
There are some technical difficulties in creating an oscillatory circuit with migrating to a wide range of resonant frequency, so the search for "typical" for the frequency components have to use the traditional impedance spectroscopy.

After the characteristic frequencies are found and resonant sensors will be created for these frequencies, created on the basis of these sensors monitoring system components will have an exceptional sensitivity and accuracy.
Noise immunity.
These "mechanical" parameters like viscosity, density, transparency, PRESSURE (if the fluid is incompressible) should have no influence on the measured electrical parameters of the substance. SPEED in the pipeline and TURBULENCE - these phenomena are too slow to make an impact on the "megahertz" processes impedance measurements.

Stiffness - a chemical indicator, which is completely determined by entering into the substance of the components. Low typically affects the value of the impedance, but measuring the temperature and keeping it in the impedance measurement is not difficult technical challenge.

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