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Profits from the use of patents in the world increased from $ 3 billion in 1982 to 120 billion dollars in 2003
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In 2009, IBM received a record number of patents


IBM Corporation in 2009 received the most patents in the U.S. through the procedure of international patenting. In 2009, IBM received 4,914 U.S. patents, besting his own record in 2008. Total IBM receives record number of patents for 17 consecutive years.

According to published statistics, IBM has patents on 36% more than the closest pursuer - Korean Samsung Electronics, which is patented in 2009 3611 developments. The data presented today at the American Association of Patent IFI. Third place belongs to Microsoft, which last year received 2,906 patents.

Significant part of those patents, obtained by IBM, were high-performance computer systems, and the so-called petaflops calculations.

source: SecurityLab
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groups: registration of rights; invention; world; Statistics
tags: statistics; USA; computer technology

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