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Probiotics and their innovative interpretation, Part I, general information about probiotics

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

Advances in biotechnology, new composite food leads to what the human body begin to work and unfortunately have long influenced new unfamiliar biological load that lead to significant changes in many biological mechanisms

This impact factor in parallel with the increased use in field crop growing crops and rearing livestock genetically modified products is reflected in major changes in the metabolism of the human body

This requires constant modification of the micro-flora of the stomach and intestinal tract, and in order to implement the modification requires constant replenishment of the population of micro-organisms of the stomach and intestinal tract

One of the most simple and painless options such modification is the use of probiotics in different ways, combinations and concentrations

Probiotics - are live microorganisms which, when released into the gastro-intestinal tract of man in sufficient quantity, retain their activity, vitality, and have a positive impact on human health.

Natural bacteria in the intestines produce several essential for the body of nutrients. Scientists believe that in addition they produce by-products that reduce the risk of some cancers, heart disease and digestive problems, such as ulcerative colitis.

It is also believed that too small quantity of probiotics in the body can lead to cancer of the internal organs. "Good bacteria" help healthy digestive tract to absorb calcium, reducing the risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones).

But unfortunately, to destroy the bacterial micro-flora balance the digestive tract is very easy (especially if you are taking antibiotics), allowing harmful bacteria to occupy different portions of the gastrointestinal tract and cause stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and bad breath.

The easiest way to replenish the good bacteria in the stomach - drink a little jar of live yoghurt containing lactobacillus and bifido-bacteria,
every day (high temperatures kill bacteria, so drink them either from the refrigerator or at room temperature, heat). Instead acidophilus yogurt can be swallowed. Since tablets generally contain very little live bacteria, probiotics are better to buy frozen / dried form to be stored in the refrigerator. Although there are doubts as to how many live bacteria reaches the stomach (gastric acid kills a percentage), is to drink at least one bottle of this yogurt a day. However, if you have rheumatism or arthritis, you need to consult a doctor before taking probiotic supplements.

Besides yogurt you can use other products in the formation of probiotic bacteria. These "probiotic" include artichokes, salsify, oats, onions, leeks, onions, brown bread (from a non-sifted flour), oats, and Jerusalem artichokes. Huge dose of probiotics contained in the bowl of French onion soup sprinkled with whole wheat crackers or a few artichokes, sprinkled with melted butter or olive oil.

At the beginning of the representation of probiotics in your diet can lead to bloating, but it should soon pass, as probiotics are struggling just with the harmful bacteria that cause gas. Fruits also have a probiotic effect, especially bananas, but remember that fruits and vegetables eventually lose useful properties. So what they are fresher, the better.

In conclusion, probiotic bacteria, such as bifido-bacteria, especially for a newborn, whose immune system is not yet fully formed. In breast milk contains substances that contribute to the formation of bifido-bacteria. But the formula is not so much good for the micro-flora of the stomach, which may explain why children in the breast milk are more resistant to stomach upset and diarrhea.

When a child begins to drink cow's milk (it can not be given to children up to 12 months), you will find that for the prevention and treatment of gastric problems great help "live" yogurt. As we get older, the proportion of good bacteria in the stomach decreases, so older people are more prone to infections and stomach indigestion.

Historically, the term "probiotic" is of Greek origin and means "life-giving". It is a friendly bacteria necessary for normal functioning of the digestive system.

Imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial microbes in the gut can weaken the immune system and lead to many diseases: digestive disorders, allergies, and chronic fungal infections, etc.

Taking antibiotics can completely change the balance of power in the intestinal flora and lead to many health problems. Probiotic protects the body from the side effects of antibiotics.

Friendly bacteria undergo a process of drying and freezing for a double protection, which protects them from the acidic environment of the stomach: so safe probiotics come in small and large intestines. This process ensures high viability of beneficial bacteria, and therefore there is no need to store them in the refrigerator. (This method we'll come back in the second part of this article)

The term "probiotics" has used and gave him the determination R. Parker in 1974. According to him, probiotics are "organisms and substances that support intestinal microbial balance." Literally translated, the term "probiotic" means "for life", while the "antibiotic" - "against life."

C. Crawford defined probiotics as "a culture of life specific microorganisms (mainly lactobacilli), which are implanted in the body and provide a useful and effective establishment of pathogens."

A more simple definition given by R. Fuller in 1989: "Probiotics are bacteria that are cultured in the laboratory, and then used to restore the balance of micro-flora, which changes under the influence of stress, illness or under the influence of antibiotics."
Health can not only maintain but also greatly improved due to the recovery of balance of micro-flora.

In the works of Vanbelle probiotics are defined as "natural intestinal bacteria, which after taking in effective doses can establish colonies in the digestive tract and to maintain or increase its normal flora to prevent the colonization of pathogenic organisms, and optimal digestion of food."

According to the definition, and J. R. Havenaara Huisintvelda, "probiotics are viable mono-or mixed culture of microorganisms that are beneficial to the host by improving the properties of the local flora." This definition implies that the term "probiotics" can be used not only for micro-organisms, but also for products that contain live microorganisms.

Probiotic effects - a section of Microbiology person intensively developing branch of science. The success of probiotics is based on the following facts:

Gastrointestinal colonization prevents the growth of probiotic microorganisms opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast. The constant presence of probiotics in the gut prevents the propagation of pathogenic agents, their penetration into the enterocytes (intestinal epithelial cells), and going through the intestinal wall.

Probiotics help to improve the balance of microorganisms in the intestines and eliminate dys-bacteriosis and dys-biosis.
Probiotics contribute useful metabolic activity, the production of vitamin K, biotin, niacin, pyridoxine and folic acid hydrolysis of bile salts and cholesterol regulation of its level.

Probiotics play an important role and are actively involved in the recycling of female sex hormones. Deficiency of probiotics in the gut leads to disruption of recycling of estrogen that enters the gastrointestinal tract in the bile, and the development of pathological conditions in the reproductive system.

Probiotics actively influence the digestion optimization and normalization of motor function of the intestine and also the regulation of the time of passage of food through the digestive tract.

It is particularly important in the current conditions of a permanent biological imbalance of the body and strengthening the use of probiotics function through detoxification and defense.

Among the merits of probiotics include the prevention of adverse effects of radiation, chemical pollutants, carcinogens, toxic endogenous substrates, unusual food by enhancing immunity - the production of interferon, interleukins, increased phagocytic capacity of macrophages and other

The above properties of probiotics has been and promote increasing interest from the point of view of their practical application. We are actively searching for strains with the most pronounced immunogenic properties.

The resident micro-flora controls production of toxins in the intestines, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. In the metabolism of probiotics provided splitting endotoxin, allergens and antigens in the gut. This also applies to intestinal absorption of partially digested proteins, including contributing to the development of food intolerances and allergies.

Proof of a direct link of most chronic eczematous lesions: lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, etc., - a lack of probiotics in the body or a reduction in their functional activity. Intestinal absorption of pathogenic microorganisms and metabolites neutilizirovannyh makes last entry in the blood, which causes the development of pathological conditions such as Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

Detoxifying function of probiotics is studied not only in relation to issues of immunity. A lot of studies have been devoted, for example, suppression of intestinal lactobacilli and microbial enzymes involved in carcinogenesis, the toxic effect of their metabolites on tumor cells.

In modern conditions, probiotics are an important tool to protect the body. Greater use of probiotics should help to reduce the use of antibiotics and chemotherapy, which is especially important with the increasing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Probiotic impact not only corrects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also helps to maintain a healthy internal environment, the normal functioning of the organism as a whole.

So the first conclusion:

  • Probiotic bacteria, or probiotics - are live microorganisms that are received in the required amount, a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the health of the body as a whole.

Known and proven functions and tasks of probiotic bacteria:
• provide the right level of acidity in the digestive tract;
• act as a natural antibiotic in borte with undesirable microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, and viruses;
• to stimulate the absorption of minerals and vitamins from the food;
• promote the absorption of calcium, which is important in the prevention of osteoporosis;
• Increase the production of B vitamins;
• reduce lactose intolerance;
• to support liver function;
• normalize the release of the intestinal tract;
• participate in cholesterol metabolism.
Probiotics, developing in the intestinal tract, produce lactic acid, vitamins and antibacterial substances that fight disease causing microorganisms. With this function, it is best to consult a family of bacteria Lactobacillus, Bifido-bacterium and Streptococcus.
Lactobacilli are very important for the normal process of absorption of nutrients. They live in the small intestines and strengthen their walls. In addition, bacteria Lacto stimulates vitamin help lactose intolerant to digest writing, eliminate bad breath. In turn, bifidobacteria are involved in the process of absorption of food and water, reduce bloating and flatulence, are involved in the extraction efficiency of waste substances.
It is a mistake to believe that regularly eating yogurt and other dairy products, can provide enough valuable bacteria. Unfortunately, the concentration of probiotics in the diet may not be sufficient to recover the body, which weakened the harmful bacteria, and restore the balance of intestinal micro-flora.
To renew or maintain gut, you must also take probiotic bacteria.

Now we turn to the input method of probiotics in the body, in these methods are rooted most innovative solutions are not always only biological; These decisions are always a lot of innovative synthesis

Such as a decision on the uniform distribution of micro-capsules of probiotics in bulk, such as composite butter

Here's a butter which probiotic capsules look like poppy seeds

Methods and equipment for their implementation in the second part

... to be continued .

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