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Algorithmic component in the complex innovation projects by analyzing the development of technologies for modifying fuel blends, including the use of biofuels to modify (part two)

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits, Jaroslav Vashchuk

Qualification of the technical level of the project, - a device for dynamic mixing heterogeneous components of fuel mixtures and subsequent activation
As at present, the project is at the stage of readiness, appropriate manufacturing and completion of the first stage of the industrial production test sample of the product - a device for dynamic mixing heterogeneous components of fuel mixtures and subsequent activation
The test results are satisfactory and fully comply with the calculated
Passed and completed the following project phases:
The statement and description of the proposal - technical proposal
Initial development of preliminary specifications for the product
Development of technical requirements for the product
Development of engineering design and materials for processing applications for inventions underlying product and implemented with the help of technology
Development of the project and the entire set of technical, design and technological documentation for the production of a prototype of aluminum
Prototyping of aluminum and its tests
Development of the project and the entire set of technical, design and technological documentation for the production of a prototype design of a product of the industrial level of structural and composite materials used in the products of similar purpose
Development of programs to make parts of the device - a prototype design of a product on the equipment with digital control
Design of a product prototype manufacturing industrial level
Program development and testing procedures prototype design of a product
Preliminary testing of a prototype sample of the product (test results fully comply with the specifications of the product and technology)
Development of programs and methods of production testing of the prototype design of a product is partially integrated into serial thermal processing equipment
The prototype test sample of the product (test results fully comply with the specifications of the product and technology)
Preparation of a full technical report on the results of tests, consisting of:
Report on comparative tests of the prototype design of a product during mixing and activating light diesel fuel with air nozzle with low resistance
Report on comparative tests of the prototype design of a product during mixing and activating light diesel fuel with air nozzle with increased resistance
Report on comparative tests of the prototype design of a product during mixing and activating light fuel oil with water (15% water, 85% diesel) and with air nozzle with increased resistance
Report on comparative tests of the prototype design of a product during mixing and activating light fuel oil with water (30% water, 70% diesel) and with air nozzle with increased resistance
Preparation of the second stage of the formation materials to applications for inventions developed under the project
Prepare analysis of the construction and testing of a prototype design of a product
Preparation of the forecast for the further development of the technology and its applications
Strategy and the formation of the basic algorithm of the subjects of intellectual property in the projects to develop efficient thermodynamic technologies
The sequence of algorithmic steps
Based on the circumstances and the general state of technological direction - creating effective thermodynamic technology, primarily for use in industrial and personal power, it is useful to apply the following Flow chart for the formation of basic subjects of intellectual property in the above areas of technology:

  • Primary safety documents take the form of a patent application the state of Israel, and all the materials to the appropriate applique must be made in accordance with the requirements for registration of patent applications to the U.S. for utility patent application;
  • In the same day, the same materials must be submitted in the U.S. as provisional patent application;
  • In accordance with an agreement between the government agencies of the two countries, the application is filed in Israel, may be filed within 11 months in the U.S. with the same number of priority as the application filed in Israel;
  • In the case for 11 months, the material does not require changes to the application, the application is presented as a USA utility patent application and does not require any additional costs;
  • At the same time, if within 11 months, there was a need to make changes in the application materials, the adjustment is carried out in the provisional patent application and this corrected application must be apply like PCT application
  • Then comes the period of registration of applications for inventions in the form of additional CIP and this process can be effective both for utility patent application and for PCT

This version of the strategy to minimize the cost of the work and with the maximum protection solution, which underlies the invention
Algorithm integration of local technical solutions, each of which has a level of invention in an integrative solution combined with a complex effect:
Structural analysis of the technical solutions underlying the design of devices for dynamic mixing and activation of components of fuel mixtures, consisting of a main liquid component, additional liquid components and activating gas component, has shown that a comprehensive solution contains constructive embodiment shown in proficiency testing , following local solutions:
  • A system of methods and devices to improve the level of turbulence in the flow of a liquid, the geometric cross-section of the structural transformation of the flow and increase its line speed;
  • Method and apparatus for forming an annular zone of reduced pressure in the hydraulic line;
  • The method of mixing of two fluids in the flow, at least one of which is organic;
  • The method of summation of the kinetic energy of the flow of liquid and gaseous media with their dynamic mix in a tightly enclosed space;
  • A system of methods and devices to improve the level of turbulence in the flow of gaseous working agent, under the geometric cross-section of the structural transformation of the flow and increase its linear velocity;
  • Method and apparatus for forming an annular zone of reduced pressure in the pneumatic piping;
  • Method and apparatus for converting direction of flow in the flow aerosols;
  • A device for the separation of gas and liquid flows prior to blending and combining them after mixing;
  • A device for the separation of gas and liquid flows before mixing and after mixing them together in a vortex;
  • Method and apparatus for forming a double zone of reduced pressure in the hydraulic lines when connecting it to the air lines;
  • Method and device for connection of fluid flows with their dynamic mix;
  • Method and apparatus for changing the direction of flow of the agent in the pipeline;

All of these solutions can collectively form a number of common technological solutions, which in turn are part of the joint integrated solutions in the technology and options for its use;
These solutions include:
  • Method and apparatus for pre-mixing of the liquid fuel in the fuel line;

Algorithm and logistics development project to integrate the device to dynamically mixing the fuel in the fuel supply thermal equipment including all types of boilers
As applied to the boiler unit must have a nozzle for a higher level of adaptation of the fuel supply to the combustion chamber or burner
Development nozzle is one of the components of the project
At the same time, the device can be presented as a separate product or compact burner
This equally applies to the boiler, which is used as a diesel fuel, and the boiler, which use natural gas as fuel
All options and working versions of the device and its use of technology can be developed at the same time, in parallel
For devices intended for dynamic mixing of fuel which has a dominant value fuel oil, there are a number of paradoxes inherent in all applique
The first paradox is characteristic that in the pipeline, with the same cross section, with the same initial pressure, with the same initial flow rate of the liquid is not compressible component formed annular zone vacuum, without additional energy consumption
The area is a kind of boundary between the incompressible and compressible fluid mixture of the liquid with a gas, in this case - air
The second paradox is that within the same pipeline fluid entering the pipeline, changing its physical properties of the active agent is not compressed to compressed working agent
The third paradox is that at the change of the physical properties of the flow, the flow of liquid and gaseous components are coaxial, and the flow of the liquid component includes the flow of gas component
Fourth, the paradox is that in the area, which is the boundary between the incompressible and compressible part of the flow of the stream there is a deep depression or a vacuum, at a time when two coaxial flow creates a vacuum annular zone, one of which zone is created not compressible fluid flow, and the second annular zone vacuum created compressible flow of air
Both of these areas are coaxial to each other and to the thickness of the flow does not exceed 100 microns for liquid and gas - 25 micrometers
Linear velocity in each of the streams in the area of depression is greater than 100 meters per second, though no additional energy is not used
Fifth, the paradox is that the flow of the mixture accumulates kinetic energy flows of all components and the kinetic energy of the mixture coming out of the device exceeds the kinetic energy of the liquid component of the mixture entering the device
Sixth, the paradox is that, in a deep depression and high linear skoprosti flow in the boundary zone separating the area incompressible and compressible fluid mixture, form a set of composite fuel caps, more than 27 million capsules of spherical diameter less than 50 micrometers per one liter of fuel mixture or composite
Seventh, the paradox is that if you want the border zone between the compressible and compressible flow of parts, if necessary, can be retracted liquid fuel additional component of the composite, such as water;
In this case, to pull water into the flow of liquid fuel components, and mixing them with no additional energy, and only the energy flow of the liquid fuel component
Application of the technology of dynamic mixing fuel mixture in the engine of the vehicle corresponds to the original algorithmic model
Technology pre-mixing and activation of components of fuel mixtures includes two main basic version;
The first option is a pre-mix of gasoline or diesel fuel with the amount of air that is necessary for the optimal conditions of its burning
After mixing, the mixture should be injected into the cylinders of the engine in the most optimal time to prevent loss of engine power, which is consumed to overcome blind spots conversion mechanism of the motor
Now to overcome these problems in the engine consumes more than 62% of the fuel as a minimum and 70% as a maximum
The first option of upgrading the fuel system of internal combustion engine, allows to obtain an equivalent torque to spend at least 55% less fuel than the production engine available today
When considering the distance the vehicle can travel, using the technology of dynamic pre-mixing, the calculated values for the engine, which now consumes 20 miles one gallon of fuel, using the technology of dynamic pre-mix fuel engine components must expend one gallon of fuel to at least 40 miles
Preliminary tests of the technology dynamic mixing in boilers that use diesel fuel, have shown high efficacy in reducing the concentration of toxic substances in the exhaust gases
Reduction should amount to the concentration obtained by conventional engines, more than 40%
Algorithm to test technology
To test the effectiveness of the proposed technology must be equipped with an internal combustion engine device for pre-mixing the fuel mixture, which should be designed and manufactured by the terms of a specific engine
Device size must be equivalent rate of fuel consumption for the engine under normal conditions
To connect the device to develop and produce jets, which should take into account the features of the engine and the capabilities of the device prior to the dynamic mixing of fuel components
For the tests to be prepared compressor that is able to provide the necessary amount of air at the required pressure, and all the necessary equipment to measure the flow and pressure in all four lines of the compressed air supply to the device, which also need to be designed and manufactured
The device must be carried out for each of the lines of engine cylinders, which are to be instruments for the measurement of pressure and flow, as well as the safety valve, the system must be designed and constructed
Must be designed and manufactured electronic sequential injection into each cylinder, which will permit the injection and ignition when the conversion mechanism of the motor is not in one of the blind spots; dldya of this system is to be developed algorithm and the required software
Should be developed, manufactured and installed the fuel system of the engine in order to be able to control the flow and pressure of fuel before the device for pre-dynamic mixing of fuel and must be set to the fuel pump with adjustable pressure and flow control equipment and necessary
The control parameters
In the tests should be monitored following parameters:
  • Torque
  • The engine is running at a certain torque
  • Fuel consumption for control while the engine when the torque
  • The concentration of toxic substances in the exhaust gases (according to environmental standards)
  • Additional control parameters are irrelevant when comparing test devices mounted on the engine and the engine in a conventional configuration

The second embodiment differs from the first in that the mixture is added to water in a ratio of 15% water to 85% of fossil fuel
In this embodiment, the fuel economy by 15% and mileage per 1 gallon increases to 46 miles
Test preparation should include additional design and manufacturing systems for water, which should include components for cleaning, storage, input of water into the device and instruments for pressure, flow and electrical conductivity of the water
Control parameters fully consistent benchmarks in the first version
The organizational part in the tests includes life insurance trial participants

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