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Innovative rotary power generating system as an alternative biofuel energy producing systems

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

In response to the drought in recent years, crop yields, which were used as raw materials for the production of biofuels, has fallen sharply
Of this and many other issues that have previously tried not to pay attention, in the hope that everything is self-produced, made a fresh look at the subject
It turns out that the production of electricity and fuels from plant material - environmental error "- writes Nikolai Fichtner in the German edition of the Financial Times. Federal Office for Environmental Protection said Thursday that the world is not enough agricultural land, and recommended in the long term to abandon bioenergy .

However, like the author, extraction of energy from the plant material for a long time been considered an important part of the transition to cleaner energy sources, despite the fact that now calls into question even the lower production of carbon dioxide from the use of biofuels. The government of Germany still requires increased production of biogas and biofuels.

Long-term analysis of the environmental agency can also affect other areas, the author writes. Thus, the agency recommended the automakers to develop electric vehicles or other alternative engines. According to a representative office in the long term alternatives can not be found for jet fuel plant.

"The federal environment agency in its assessment is based on analysis of the acreage. Currently in the world there are 5 billion hectares of agricultural land, of which 3.5 hectares - pasture, and the rest - Area" - said Fichtner.

According to the representative of the environmental agency, for the moment the problem of hunger, which affects about one million people, is due to the unequal distribution of food, and not because of the production of biofuels, but in the next decade, when it will be necessary to feed 9 billion people, space for feedstock production for biofuels will be practically no. Expansion of the area, according to experts, will lead to environmental degradation, and the intensification of agriculture in the long term affects the soil.

According to a German environmental agency, the only way to expand the area sown for biofuel production - to consume less meat, because meat diet requires a large agricultural area.
Meanwhile, more than 10 years ago, inventors started to think about possible ways to create a more efficient energy in the first place through the use of the uncertainties and opportunities armor electromagnets through technical solution, in which the mechanical losses occurring in internal combustion engines for Closing the dead points crank- Rod

United States Patent 6,188,151
Livshits, et al. February 13, 2001
Magnet assembly with reciprocating core member and associated method of operation
An electromagnetic assembly includes a casing, a solenoid disposed inside the casing, a stationary magnetic core, and a movable magnetic core. The stationary magnetic core is disposed at least partially inside the solenoid and is fixed relative to the solenoid and the casing, while the movable magnetic core is disposed for reciprocation partially inside the solenoid along an axis. The stationary magnetic core, the movable magnetic core, the solenoid, and the casing have rectangular or square cross-sections in planes oriented essentially perpendicularly to the axis.
After a series of experiments, it became clear the field of application of this pioneering invention, but need to find a way to integrate this technical solutions in a more focused resource saving technologies
As is known to such technologies include technologies emulsified fuel mixture by mixing traditional fuels with water and this solution was created

United States Patent Application 20110048353
Kind Code A1
Livshits; David; et al. March 3, 2011
Engine with Integrated Mixing Technology
The present disclosure generally relates to an engine with an integrated mixing of fluids device and associated technology for improvement of the efficiency of the engine, and more specifically to an engine equipped with a fuel mixing device for improvement of the overall properties by inline oxygenation of the liquid, a change in property of the liquid such as cooling form improved combustion, or the use of re-circulation of exhaust from the engine to further improve engine efficiency and reduce unwanted emissions
But it turned out that the successful implementation in practice is necessary that the above-mentioned features of the invention significantly and radically increased in the direction of technology and efficient production of multi-component fuel mixtures homogenized
This invention also been created:
United States Patent Application 20120103306
Kind Code A1
Livshits; David; et al. May 3, 2012
The present disclosure generally relates to an engine with an integrated mixing of fluids (gas or liquid) device and associated technology for improvement of the efficiency of the engine, and more specifically to an engine equipped with a fuel mixing device for improvement of the overall properties of the system with an engine by either inline oxygenation of the liquid or dynamic activation of a fuel with a secondary fluid such as water resulting in a change in property of the input fluid to help with burning ratios, cooling for improved combustion, or the use of re-circulation of exhaust from the engine to further improve engine efficiency and reduce / recycle unwanted emissions or combustion releases such as water.
Due to the necessary investment in this project, it was possible to carry out comprehensive testing of this technology
The world's first such tests were carried out at the production diesel engine, using ordinary tap water as an additive to the emulsion
Unique results on tests allowed to present the main results of testing companies making cars
As shown by contacts with the major manufacturers of automobiles and engines, their interests extend much further and concern the possibility to get the engine of the vehicle closed thermodynamic cycle to produce water emulsified fuel from exhaust
And such a system was invented shortly:

United States Patent Application 20110056457
Kind Code A1
Livshits; David; et al. March 10, 2011
The present disclosure generally relates to an apparatus for the condensation of a liquid suspended in a gas, and more specifically, to an apparatus for the condensation of water from air with a geometry designed to emphasize adiabatic condensation of water using either the Joule-Thompson effect or the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube effect or a combination of the two. Several embodiments are disclosed and include the use of a Livshits-Teichner generator to extract water and unburned hydrocarbons from exhaust of combustion engines, to collect potable water from exhaust of combustion engines, to use the vortex generation as an improved heat process mechanism, to mix gases and liquid fuel efficiently, and an improved Livshits-Teichner generator with baffles and external condensation.
Since the condensate has a higher acidity level, then took the decision to neutralize it, which was also quickly realized:

United States Patent 6,139,714
Livshits October 31, 2000
Method and apparatus for adjusting the pH of a liquid
A process for adjusting the pH of an aqueous flowable fluid includes an electrochemical mechanism for adjusting the pH of an aqueous flowable fluid and a mechanism for then electrochemically stabilizing the adjusted pH of the fluid. A device for performing the process is also included. The device includes an inlet and a channel in fluid communication with the inlet. The channel has the appearance and properties of a U-shaped connected vessel. The U-shaped connected vessel includes an inlet accumulating passage in fluid communication with an active zone between two spaced electrodes wherein the active zone has a small volume relative to the passage for accelerating fluid flow from the passage through the active zone complying with the physics of connected vessels.

Horizontal and vertical integration of all the above inventions allowed to come close to the formation of the technical requirements and specifications for the installation of energy-autonomous
Was formulated basic compositional and conceptual solution for the possible configurations of energy-autonomous installation, which is based on an integrative technological solutions aimed at saving fossil fuels in internal combustion engines, for high-performance conversion of energy with increased torque output, and the use of technology in the design of planar low-speed electric generators
The proposed system can be built on the principle of successive stepwise transformation of energy, with a gradual increase in the equivalent power output characteristics of each stage of the transformation.
1. The first stage of transformation - transformation of fossil fuel energy into mechanical energy of rotation of the output shaft of the internal combustion engine to be used as energy converter at the first stage, the energy gain - the use of fuel composite consisting of mixed hydrodynamic and aerodynamic foam fuel composition of fossil fuels, ethanol and water, ethanol and water in the aggregate may be 20-25%, a 70% ethanol and 30% synthetic water obtained from the air with impurities ethanol vapor or other alcohol or gas condensate derived from the engine exhaust, can be used also highly purified water, ethanol can be used instead of methanol;

2. The second phase of the conversion - conversion of mechanical energy of rotation of the output shaft of the internal combustion engine to electric energy with certain parameters;

3. The third stage of conversion, - generation of electric current pulses, certain parameters;

4. The fourth most important phase transformation - transformation of the current pulses in the torque converter output shaft amp moments, the amplification is achieved by two factors - the first factor kinematic - and it is to use a rotary converter linear to rotary motion, which allows eliminate blind spots and loss of energy associated with them to overcome, and the second factor solenoid - and he is using to convert armor electromagnets with a special design of the magnetic coil and special design, with additional design advantages of the combination of the core and the planar structure the solenoid coil;

5. All of these benefits determine the effectiveness of magnets for the category of so-called warm or cold with magnets and pulling or pushing force by an order greater than the equivalent cost of electricity to its generation;

6. The fifth stage of transformation - giving torque at low speed generator shaft planar and electricity, which is the product of the output settings.

7. The use of planar low-speed generator takes advantage of the power characteristics of the magnets at their most efficient mode of operation, since the lower the frequency response of an electromagnet, the greater the duty cycle of the electromagnet and the longer it is used to restore the magnetic properties of the combined magnetic circuit;

8. All the basic technical solutions underlying the proposed facility have significant novelty and are inventions, to those are:

  • Use as a fuel mixture combustion engine - a mixture of organic matrix with a mineral, as examples of such a mixture can be cited: - micro-emulsions, nano-emulsions (if the engine is direct injection into the cylinders at a pressure of 2,000 bar; homogenized mixture hydrocarbon fuels with ethanol and methanol;
  • Application for mixing the organic and inorganic components of the gas mixture, carried out in an ever-moving stream of the organic component, hydrodynamic actuators operating on the principle of Bernoulli;
  • Application for compounding foam composite-fuel mixture, carried out in a constantly moving stream of the combustible mixture, aerodynamic actuators operating on the principle of Bernoulli;
  • Application to convert linear motion into rotary magnet cores kinematic rotor system with no dead spots as a crank mechanism in the traditional coordinate system;
  • The use of armored electromagnets with a number of local technical solutions with the essential novelty magnets and giving significant benefits that help to get an unusual effect of their work - is the use of combined, multi-level cast-twisted magnetic circuit, the application of the planar coil shape with slotted holes, the application of the core in a spline shaft, application topology conductors on layers of planar coils, follow the contour of the cross section splines;
  • The application of integrative compositional solution that integrates all the components into a single power generating unit has full autonomy, having a high efficiency, which translates into high electricity equivalent to the cost of fossil fuels

The main forming useful effect, technical solutions installed in principle have been tested on a pilot basis and verification of obtained results that predict the cumulative effect of that will be gained from the proposed facility.
For the manufacture and operation of the facility does not require the creation of any new technology and new equipment. All nodes and setters can be manufactured and tested on existing hardware, using known structural materials and using components already in place;
The main components of the system that determine its effectiveness, can be manufactured and tested separately, which simplifies the construction and testing of the prototype, as well as significantly reduces the cost of it.

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