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The algorithm of the interaction theory of inventive problem solving and basic principles of commercialization of inventions (continued, part two)

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits, Jaroslav Vashchuk

To begin with let us return to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving:
So: the methodology of problem solving based on TRIZ studied the general laws of evolution, the general principles of conflict resolution mechanisms, and address specific practical problems.
The main functions and application of TRIZ:

  • The solution of inventive problems of any complexity and orientation;
  • Prediction of engineering systems;
  • Development of creative imagination and thought;
  • Development of a creative personality and the development of creative teams.

The key concept in TRIZ - a "strong solution". This is the best or close to this decision. TRIZ is focused on the identification of a strong solution and includes:
A. Mechanisms of conversion problems in the way of the future solutions.
Two. Methods for the suppression of psychological inertia that prevents the search for solutions.
Three. Extensive Information Facility - the concentrated experience of solving problems.
A. The problem - it is a conscious contradiction. In TRIZ, and pays special attention to the formulation of a justifiable controversy. There are three types of contradictions: "The administrative contradiction", "technical contradiction" and "physical contradiction."
Administrative contradiction - the contradiction between the need and possibility of its satisfaction. Its fairly easy to identify. It is often given by the administration or customer and is stated as: "We must do this or that, but it is not known," "Some parameter of the system is bad, need to improve it," "should eliminate such disadvantage, but do not know how" "There is a marriage in the manufacture of products, and the reason it is not known."
The technical contradiction - the contradiction between certain parts, qualities, or the parameters of the system. Generally, improve some characteristics of an object, we will dramatically worsen the other. For example, the beneficial effect is both harmful. Or - Introduction (gain) efficiency, or the removal of (weakening) of the harmful effect of causing deterioration (in particular, the complication is invalid) one part of the system or the system as a whole. Usually have to compromise, that is, to sacrifice something. The resolution of such conflicts often requires a qualitative change in the system.
A physical contradiction - the presentation of opposite properties to a certain part of the system. The study of the causes of technical contradiction, in technical systems, as a rule, leads to the identification of conflicting physical properties of the system. It should be emphasized again that in contrast to the technical contradiction, owned by the whole system, physical - applies only to certain parts of it. Formulation of a physical contradiction is paradoxical: some of the system must be located in two mutually exclusive states. For example, to be cold and hot, movable and immovable, long and short, flexible and tough, electrically conductive and non-conducting, etc.
Thus, the considered three types form a chain of contradictions: the contradiction administrative - technical contradiction - a physical contradiction. Solve technical challenge - it means improving the system performance required, without compromising others. Accomplish this by identifying possible technical conflicts, determining the causes of it, or even the cause of causes, and eliminate these causes, that is, resolution of physical contradictions.
Now let's look at the integration of a complex set of innovation in the typical process of commercialization
Analytical preparation of the commercialization process includes an assessment of the major factors in varying degrees, affect the success of the commercialization of inventions, which have, for example, included the basic distinguishing features of the natural
We offer more time to assess the importance and relevance of these factors
A. Urgent unmet

In this factor, there is analysis of the real novelty of the invention and subsequent analysis of the impact of innovation on the quality of consumer product innovation that emerged on the basis of the present invention

Two. Explainable unique

The uniqueness of the technical solution, forms the basis of product innovation above all is the level of innovation, we offer the concept of novelty divided into a number of relatively independent concepts;

This is an urgent need, because in itself the concept of novelty in our time has become much wider than it was during the creation of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

For example you have created a gaming console with remarkable ergonomics, which form the character of the demand for this product, but this should console and software management, which must also conform to it and to be quite original and unique - otherwise you will get the business instead of endless litigation

Therefore, the uniqueness of its product explainable must defend and explain its features, but is firmly convinced of the absence of a banal borrowing elements from the novelty of your potential competitors

Three. Sustainable Differentiation

A very important statement, which is waiting for all those who in one way or another option you have suggested your product, this statement is that your product is profitable and is significantly different from those using and can provide significant benefits

Moreover in the formulation of the benefits should be considered a kind of compliance criteria of fashion, traditions and norms of the product in this group, ergonomic and environmental standards and requirements for the product itself and the conditions of its application, as well as many others, arising from the use of the proposed product and the traditions that determine the need for general use

4. Ready for immediate

This factor is very important to many subjects that are more or less can significantly affect the progress of new product commercialization
Ready for immediate display in the first place suggests that there is a working prototype of the proposed product, and that technological risk is minimized (of course if the results of control tests of the prototype authentic)
Of course the sponsors and potential partners may have different willingness to understand the concept of product
In this situation it is very important to understand all the available set of product requirements and take into account the requirements of existing standards and convincingly demonstrate full compliance with the requirements of future consumers as well as the requirements of existing and future standards

Five. Good competition

Do you like or do not like the competition and competition, but competition is forcing you to work intensively and continuously seek the best and most effective solution

The so-called good competition actually begins at the stage of generating ideas, when you compare all the ideas have arisen previously or currently existing with presumed parameters and properties of your ideas
Of course, you try to beat all known ideas in this area and a desire to help you achieve the benefits of

6. Poor competition

But there are other more unpleasant examples of stiff competition when a competitor is simply destroys another competitor, as is evident from the following example:

A consortium of investment funds, including a leading U.S. investment firm Carlyle Group, offered to buy the Chinese advertising corporation, Focus Media. As reported in the official press release from Focus Media, a consortium which includes the chief executive officer, offered to buy its shares at $ 27.
Thus, points out Reuters, the whole company was valued at $ 3.5 billion. If the deal goes through, Focus Media, whose shares are traded today in New York, will hold the largest Chinese company delisted from the American Stock Exchange.
Shares of Focus Media after the announcement of a proposal from the consortium grew by 8 percent to 25.26 dollars. For comparison, at the peak of its value in the 2007 paper of Chinese corporations traded above $ 66 per share.
BBC News recalls that the research firm Muddy Waters last November, accused Focus Media in overstating the value of their assets. Despite the fact that Focus Media have rejected these accusations, while its shares have fallen nearly 40 percent for the day.
According to its own data, the ownership of Focus Media is about 170,000 advertising panels in more than 90,000 commercial buildings in 90 cities in China. In the first quarter 2012 net income of corporations increased by 85 percent over the same period last year and amounted to 37.9 million.
7. Attractive pricing

Anyone, even a beginner entrepreneur who brings to market an innovative product, understand that an attractive price does not in itself solve all the problems associated with the correct (in terms of Trader) assessment of positive and buyer of all beneficial properties and qualities of a new product

Long-term success can only provide a level of novelty and originality and uniqueness of a product that competitors will be very difficult, or better - it is impossible in the foreseeable future, circumvent or transcend

Zhnachit still under the most complex and far-sighted or even adventure games with the pricing and tariffs, a real commercial success only ensures an effective solution, laid the basis for an innovative product

Eight. Customers who have concluded a deal
the goods which is not yet

Practice shows that the latest marketing products (iPhones, aypedy, etc.) the correct representation of the benefits which the owner receives such goods to the owners of products that have traditionally been friendly and well-known properties and capabilities, the product makes the book even before this product will enter the market

In this psychological platform built all online resources, such as resource - Kick-starter in which users not only to demonstrate its readiness to conclude a deal in the goods, which do not exist, but the last stages of the funding for the conclusion that interests them on the stages of product sales

Kickstarter - is a site of creative financing projects under the scheme kraudfandinga. Kickstarter funding various projects, such as the creation of indie movies, music, comics, video games, etc.
The method of collective fund-raising called "kraudfanding." Kickstarter facilitates the collection of funds by creating a model that could be better than traditional methods of investing. Anyone who wants to obtain financing, must register and post a description of the project on Kickstarter. Kickstarter contains recommendations which projects will be accepted.
Project Owner must indicate the term and the minimum number of funds that must be collected. If the project did not collect the right amount of money by a certain date, then the money is returned to the donors. Money collected through the Amazon Payments, the initiator of the project requires a U.S. bank account.
Kickstarter takes 5% of funds raised; Amazon will charge an additional 3-5%. Unlike many forums to raise funds or investments, Kickstarter does not claim ownership of the projects and the work they produce. However, projects on the site, stored and made available to the public. After the project funding ends, downloaded the information and materials can not be edited, altered, or removed from the site.
Each project must pass moderation, and there is a tendency that the organizers are mainly selected only the most potentially successful projects, which have to be added to the video, promising rewards to its investors, Benefits, Thanksgiving. For example, an instance or more Ready, games, comics, books, engravings behalf of investors. Also on site is very difficult to unsuccessful projects that have not received funding. It is this partly explains the huge success rate of funded projects. According to some opinions, the site is too focused on success and too commercialized, and therefore appears more likely by the exchange or store payment products of art that much.
Another criticism is the principle of "all or nothing", in which money is returned if the project did not get 100% of the necessary funds. This motivates the authors themselves to invest to their projects. It is estimated that the point of no return - 25%. If the project has collected them, then the probability of full funding for the project is 90%.
(To be continued)

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