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Non-contact monitoring using magnetic and electromagnetic resonance and its bio-magnetic base

Andrew (Gabriel) Livshits

Currently, monitoring and measuring operations performed by the so-called electromagnetic spectroscopy does not surprise experts
There were inventions aimed at developing specific infrastructure, which creates conditions for the above works
That's one of those inventions:

United States Patent Application 20120029845
Kind Code A1
Flider; Gennadiy; et al. February 2, 2012
According to some embodiments, an apparatus and method are provided for detecting the composition of a fluid. An alternating electromagnetic field may be applied to the fluid and distortions in the electromagnetic field are compared with predetermined, expected distortion "signatures" for particular components at particular concentrations. The presence and concentration of the components in the fluid may be detected by detecting these distortion signatures.
Inventors: Flider; Gennadiy; (San Francisco, CA); Livschits; Gabreal; (San Francisco, CA)
Serial No.: 154 280
Series Code: 13
Filed: June 6, 2011

Since this invention is directed to monitor the fluids in the most part regarded as biological objects, I propose to refer to the bio-magnetic paradox, which largely helps to explain the phenomena of fantastic measuring and control processes ...

... It is known that some animals can sense the direction of Earth's magnetic field. The fact that sharks, turtles, fish, pigeons have an internal compass that helps them with orientation in space, hardly anyone seems sensational.

Because of the enormous amount of popular literature and films on this subject it seems that in this area is more or less known, but the little that is not yet clear, soon surrendered under the pressure of the experimenters.

It turns out that this is not true. Quite the contrary - a huge amount of experimental evidence for some reason can not lead researchers to answer the question: how animals sense the magnetic field of the Earth?

It all started with inconspicuous little birds-robins. Somewhere in the fifties of the twentieth century, scientists noticed that the living cells in the robins in the fall, instinctively, tried to fly away to the south. Most surprising was the fact that they are in a closed room with no explicit guidance is really trying to get out of the cell is on the south side. Vilchko Wolfgang (Wolfgang Wiltschko), while a student of the Institute of Goethe, he decided to test whether the birds do not tend to the south with the help of some internal compass. He wrapped the wire around the cage and put him on the current in the right direction. Vilchko eluded robins - the birds were trying to fly out of the cage in the other direction.

This observation, despite the simplicity of the experiment, almost no one has convinced - maybe because it was very unclear how to approach this phenomenon from the experimental point of view. On the other hand, maybe the fact that most of the attention of biologists at the time was focused on other things - the recently discovered structure of DNA, transcription, genetic code.

However, over time, evidence supporting the sensitivity of some animals to the magnetic field, has accumulated a great deal. Sensitive were the representatives of almost all species of life - bacteria, flies, fruit flies, sharks, rays, trout, turtles, and migratory birds, especially pigeons, blackbirds, robins. The animals seem to use their internal compass, not as people - in addition to directions to the north, and they feel more inclination and intensity of the magnetic field, which allows them to focus better man with the compass.

There should be little explanation about what is the slope of the field. It is known that the Earth is a huge magnet. Those who have used a compass used to, he always points to the north - that at the equator that the polar circle (if we're talking about a magnetic rather than true north), but the magnetic lines are even and the slope. If we were scattered around the planet's iron dust, we could see how the field lines go out of the south pole, run parallel to the surface at the equator and north pole are (from south to north in this case is simply a convention.) At the magnetic poles of the field lines are strictly perpendicular to the ground surface at the equator, they are parallel, and at intermediate latitudes, the angle changes. Knowing the inclination of the magnetic field relative to the horizon at this point, we can theoretically calculate its location. Apparently this method of geo-location mastered to perfection turtles.

Newborn turtles that feed in a favorite spot on the coast of Florida, were able to find it when they drive north or south of this place. The fact that they are guided with an inclination of the magnetic field, scientists have established, creating an artificial field in the basin with a newborn turtle. At a higher slope of Turtle tried to "south" side of the pool, with a smaller - the "north".

Similar experiments were carried out with the sharks. In a specially designed pool of trained to find food, depending on the direction of the magnetic field, and sharks can easily cope with the task. Another interesting experiment was devised with the stingrays - they are also trained to find food in the pool, guided by an artificial magnetic field. But this time the researchers decided to exclude the side effect of the experiment. The fact that the inclusion of a magnetic field causes the induction of electric fields, and the response of fish could be explained by this reaction to his appearance. To eliminate this effect, slopes were attached to the body of the magnets or the same size and shape of the nonmagnetic (bronze) capsules. Magnetic cargo completely knocked rays confused, and bronze in the capsule does not affect the uptake of fish.

Find the body, feeling the magnetic field in animals, it was a very difficult task. Perhaps the fact that they may be, for example, one single microscopic cell anywhere in the body, because the magnetic field passes freely through the body and organs, sensitive to it, does not necessarily reside on the surface. And a huge number of ethological (analyzing the behavior) of the experiments, unfortunately, did not tell investigators about where he should look for.
Frustrated searching, some scientists have decided that trying to find a sensitive organ of no avail because he has long been found. They, in their opinion, is actually a retina. Indeed, the first experiments with Vilchko robin was a strange feature. The birds were found well south of the magnetic and in an isolated room under artificial light, but not in total darkness. In further experiments it was found that not all light is suitable. Red, for example, was quite similar to the dark - the animals ceased to navigate. Blue light, on the contrary, very well compensated for the lack of sunlight.
This data was very difficult to come up with some reasonable explanation, while in the late nineties, biologists, engaged in a sensitivity of plants to blue light, crypto-chromes are not discovered proteins. These small, sensitive to blue light suddenly polypeptides were found in almost all animals - up to man. It turned out that they are involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms of life and at the same time are located in the retina.

Contact crypto-chromes with the magnetic field was set by the experiment on fruit flies. It was found that the flies, as well as birds, can be taught to find the sweet water, guided by the magnetic field. The same flies that carried the mutation and could not synthesize the crypto-chromes, were quite a learning disability. The most interesting was the fact that when this mutant flies entered the human gene similar in sequence to crypto-chromes, transgenic offspring were again to find the sweet water. Some scientists, this result gave reason to believe that a man may have some unconscious sensitivity to magnetic field.
How can a tiny protein molecule, which is subject to the strongest permanent thermal fluctuations, "feel" the magnetic field? It turned out that for physicists to propose a theoretical model of sensitivity is not too difficult. Light-sensitive protein can acquire sensitivity to the magnetic field in the transition to an excited state. There's only one problem - none of the scientists, even the most ardent supporters of "crypto-chromo" theory of magneto-reception, did not propose any mechanism by which the sensitivity of the protein would be turned to the excitation of neurons.
The absence of any mechanism for transmission of signals from crypto-chrome has made the whole theory is very dubious to many scientists. Researchers have thrown power to ensure that the animals find something less exotic.

In the eighties, were discovered bacteria in a cell containing small (50 nm) crystals of iron oxide - magnetite. Bacteria, however, used them it was not on purpose - not to travel north or south, and to find the bottom of the slope in the direction of the field lines. Where is the bottom, there are more nutrients, and, led by its magnetic crystals, bacteria were sent down.

This case magneto-taksisa bacteria - probably the only one on which all scientists have a clear understanding of the mechanism of sensitivity. Meanwhile, attempts to find something similar in animals - especially in the most interesting of them in terms of accuracy oriented, in homing pigeons - before the two thousandth did not lead to success.

At this point, it is accumulated much data on the behavior, but they are all due to the lack of a suitable candidate for magnetically sensitive organs, "hung in the air." So when in 2004 a team of scientists has discovered six special points in the beak of homing pigeons, which contained magnetite crystals, which were exactly similar to those found in bacteria, the scientific community has taken this work as a long-awaited discovery.
Biophysicists have begun to calculate the magnetic parameters of crystals in terms of their potential sensitivity. Physicists have argued that, although the crystals are too small for a good sensitivity, they really should have a special "super-paramagnetic" properties. Biologists are not far behind - for the study of bird migration, they cut the nerve fibers that innervate the upper beak, and draw conclusions based on a comparison of travel pigeons with support and without the support of the magnetic dowsing. Theorists have proposed device concepts receptors, which were controlled by intracellular crystals of magnetite magnets. Although proponents of crypto-chromes and published in 2004, a number of experimental papers, in general (especially for the more conservative scholars), the theory based on the sensitivity of the magnetite crystals looked far more convincing.

Everything fell apart because of one article. A team of European scientists from Austria, France, Britain and Australia drew attention to the fact that although the presence of crystals in the beak a pigeon has been shown safe, no one before has tested the cells themselves, where the crystals are.
Researchers armed with computed tomography and were extremely detailed three-dimensional map of pigeon's beak. Then they made the microscopic sections of different beaks of pigeons at the points where the crystals were kept, and found that these cells are unrelated to the neurons do not have. They were macrophages - scavenger cells that collect a variety of bacteria and small particles that enter the tissue. Not surprisingly, the macrophages were found precisely in its beak - close to the air flow and dust sources.

In addition to microscopic analysis, the researchers tested the cell type by analysis of surface proteins. Different cells contain different on the outer surface proteins on the basis of which they can be reliably classified. The analysis did not leave the supporters of the bill magneto-receptors no hope - magnetite contained only in macrophages.

So, the pigeons have left scientists who have studied them, with the nose. No reasonable neurobiological mechanisms magneto-receptors by crypto-chromes is not suggested, but from the most developed alternative theory of the latest study has not left one stone upon another. "Animal Magnetism" was much more mysterious than, perhaps, to assume the first explorers like Vilchko, experiments on the robin in the sixties.
On the other hand, the methodological arsenal of biologists since then has expanded remarkably. Perhaps the "closing" of European scientists only spur the intensity of the new research. Oh, the potential prize is huge. In the words of Thorsten Ritz, one of the researchers crypto-chromes: "Not all get the chance to open a new sense organ."

As they say it is too early to draw conclusions, but perhaps soon published on the subject invention is slightly open a bit more information that will help create a more or less realistic model of the internal mechanisms, including the biological, which will help advance the design of MRI control systems

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