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Kazakh poet reconciled with pasta producer


In Kazakhstan, the court concluded the dispute between the poet Maral Ospanova and company-producer of pasta. As reported by 7 channel of Kazakh television. The parties entered into a settlement agreement by which poet gets compensation.

The dispute flared up due to the fact that on the packets of pasta were placed Ospanova's poems. Pasta producer turned to her several years ago to use her work to design packaging. She (poet) then gave only a preliminary agreement. But recently she noniced that on packets of pasta was printed her quatrain. However, was no money paid to her as the author.

Ospanova filed for the manufacturer to court, demanding 300 million tenge (about two million dollars). The defendant, for his part, said at the trial that the prior consent of the poet to use her poetry is enough.

As a result, the parties came to an agreement. Ospanov has been compensated one million tenge (about 6.7 thousand dollars) and withdrew her claim. Pasta producer brought her an apology.

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groups: violation of rights; world
tags: work of art; contract; compensation, reward; jurisprudence, court practice; verse; dispute; compensation; design

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