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FSO of Russia registered the domain "Путин"


The Federal Security Service of Russia was the largest owner of domains .РФ. According to official statistics of zone .РФ, the SSR gets a total of 424 domain, which represents 2.35 percent of the total number of domains, issued during the priority registration Coordination Center of domain zone .РФ.

Among the domain names issued by the SSR, were "Аппаратправительствароссийскойфедерации.рф", "Гаражоcобогоназначения.рф" and "Путин" (as well as "Путин"). Domains have been issued the Service of Special Communication and Information FSO.

In addition to domain names that are relevant to the activities of the SSR, this agency were also recorded domains whose names contain common words. In particular, the SSR registered domains "Война.рф", "Ветераны.рф" and "Блог.рф".

Also in the top ten owners of domains at zonу .РФ entered organizations "Mir", "New Technologies", "Trade House MIR-2000" and "company Lineberger-Advisers". These organizations are get such domains as "Музыка.рф", "Здоровье.рф", "Счастье.рф" and "Страхование.рф".

Speaking at the hearing on the wrap-up of priority registration domains in .РФ zone, CEO registrar Alex Korolyuk said that in his opinion, the patent company "Mir" is the squatters, RIA Novosti reported. Thus, Korolyuk found that "Mir" has registered these domains for subsequent resale at a higher price.

Priority registration domains in .РФ zone ended September 16. In total, from November 2009 in this area were more than 18,000 domains. It is expected that an open domain registration for everyone begins as early as November 2010.

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