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Amazon founder invented the purchase by nod


The founder of the Internet shop Amazon Jeff Bezos has applied for a patent for an invention that allows to confirm the online transaction with a gesture such as a nod or facial expression. This publication reported by TechFlash.

The proof of purchase can also be identified by a smile or the raising of the eyebrows. The user can not only confirm the purchase, but also show with his fingers, how many items he needs. To avoid false triggers the patent provides a gesture password, which will be start mark to purchase. As example, the password may consist from three nods followed by a smile.

In order for the invention worked user's computer must running a special system of movements recognition. The application states that in future it may replace the conventional input devices such as touch panels and digital keyboards.

This patent was filed back in 2008 but published May 20, 2010, and journalists have discovered this document only in June.

Currently, Amazon already uses a system of simplified purchases named "1-Click". It allows to buy this or that item by a single button press.

useful info? Press:

groups: registration of rights; registration of rights; Internet; world
tags: invention; application; internet; Amazon; computer technology

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