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In Ukraine, on 01.10.2013 (from 1992) recorded 394423 documents of title to the OPS, including patents: 108167; inventions 83871; utility models and industrial design 25522; 176805 certificates for trademarks and service; 13 integrated circuit topographies; 20 Registrations QIoO and 25 certificates for the right to use the registered QIoO
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Till 01.05.2010 (since 1992) 287,625 registered documents


As of 01.05.2010 (since 1992) there are 287,625 registered pantent-related documents:

  • 95,312 patents for inventions, including re-registered copyright certificates and 20-year after short ones;
  • 49,587 patents for utility models;
  • 20328 patents for industrial designs;
  • 122,367 certificates of marks for goods and services, including divisional registrations;
  • 11 integrated circuit topographies;
  • 10 registrations of qualified indication of origin of goods;
  • 10 certificates for the right to use the registered qualified indication of origin.

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