History of village
Starokostiantynivsky district, Khmelnytsky region

Village Samchyntsi located 25 km from the Starokonstyantinov in a southerly direction towards Medzhybozh on the steep slopes of the Volyn-Podolsk Upland. Some time ago in the vicinity of the village found the settlement of the Bronze Age and Chernyakhovskaya culture, several burial mounds and the remains of ancient settlements. The village has the remains of ancient castles fortifications. From the word "Zamok" the village was called "Zamchintsy", and later in the mouths of the people has changed in Samchyntsi. According to the recollections of old residents - the name derives from the word "sam" (byself) and the "chinit'" (to repair), i.e. craftsmens who were able to repair for themselves. For the first time the village Samchyntsi mentioned in the act of September 9, 1517 by Polish King Sigismund I, confirming the right of Prince Konstantin Ivanovich Ostrozky for town Krasilov and the whole parish Kuzminska, which was presented to him by another King Alexander in 1505 Before that it belonged to Krasylivsky's castle, as seen from the description in 1545. Village Samchyntsi mentioned in 1608 in a report Krzhneeva Pike and Stanislav Yanovsky in Lutsk city royal court, as desolate and burning in 1593 Tatars homeless. Therefore, King Sigismund III releases all these estates for Prince Constantine Ostrozky to pay extortion quitrent. Owned by Ostrozhsky this village was up to 1620, and after their family has ceased to exist, then it is passed to the Evrosiniya, daughter of Knyaz, who married Prince Alexander Zaslavsky and combined it with the name of her husband. In 1703 the Cossacks under the leadership of S. Paliya liberated the village from the gentry. In 1778 Starokostiantyniv, villages Samchyntsi and Derkachi moved to Isabella Lubomirska, which in 1800 gave way to the estates of her daughter, Constance, which owned them until 1860. Subsequently, the village Samchyntsi was sold gentleman Rotariushu, after whose death passed to his son-gentleman Shab. In the conduct of the peasant reform of 1861 the landowner has allocated for the purchase of the peasants poor land. Yields on them were low. They averaged 55-60 pounds per acre. The peasant huts were usually small, without foundation, made of wood or clay. They were divided into two halves - the barn and the living quarters, where huddled 8-12 people. In this house for the winter were taken calves and lambs. Poverty, poor sanitation led to frequent epidemics. In the late 70-ies of XIX century in the village was opened single-class school with a three-year study. After the overthrow of the Tsarism in February 1917 the political life in Samchyntsi becomes intensified. The poors, gathering for rallies, demanded peace, land and liberty. Soviets was established in the village in November 1917. The village was subject to Skovorodkovskiy parish council. But the establishment of Soviets was interrupted in 1918 with the arrival of the German occupation troops and Petlurites. In early April 1919 Red Cossack regiment under the command of Vitaly Primakov captured the village, beating Kherson Division of Directory. In November, the village was took by Poles. To combat the invaders in early 1920 in the village was established guerrilla army. Eventually the Soviets was established in November 1920. In March 1923 Samchyntsi joined the Starokostiantynivsky district of Proskurovsky region. The village committee was formed poorer farmers, headed by Vashchuk Leonty Korneyevich, which later was taken by KGB, as an enemy of the state, and his family was expelled from the village. Mainstay Committee were three Komsomols: Lavrenyuk S.I., Koziratskaya E. and Semeniuk N.T., belonged to the Komsomol cell of village Derkachi. In honor of 14 anniversary of Great October in the village formed an independent Komsomol organization, which consists of 9 people. As secretary was elected teacher Gogolchuk V.M. It was created Komsomol train, which dispossessed of prosperous peasants. By decision of the farmers first in the area was closed the church and farm was named "Atheist". It was fully collectivized in 1933. Of the miners was elected Vashchuk Andrew Korneyevich. Vashchuk byself interested in all matters of gardening, to grow grain. Have strong relationship with the breeding stations, which helped to cultivate crops, especially the garden, which now gives generous fruits - juicy apples, cherries, walnuts. Organised country house. The organizer of the house was Vashchuk Andrew Korneyevich, who, along with activists of the village and youth carried anti-religious and political work. In rural home working sections: garden, drama, choir, gym, atheists. Garden section directed by Sukach Panas. Dramatic, choral led by Vashchuk Andrew Korneyevich. Gym - conducted by Zhuravskii Ladikovich Dominique, who came from the ranks of the Red Army. Atheists - led by Malinyuk Ivan G. At that time the farm had 18 horses, 6 plows, 28 harrows, there was no seeders, grain was sown by hands. Horses housed in the village, because there was not yet the room for the horses in the farm. In 1934 was built two stables, office, farm, forge, a pigsty. It was at the farm 1044 hectares of land, including arable land 956 ha. Sowed all crops: rye, wheat, oats, barley, peas, millet, buckwheat. Sugar beet sown on an area of 75 hectares, given the yield of sugar beet with a 120-130 centners by hectare. In the farm there were 18 sows and 84 cows. When founded the Artel "Atheist", the first years were very difficult. Have small harvests of grain and industrial crops, but later, when increased the number of machines, which was served by Nemirinetskaya MTS, yields of grain and industrial crops increased. The State gives the first tractor, the internal combustion engine, threshing machine and other necessary equipment. The first mechanic in the farm was Yatsuk Sila Alexandrovitch. In 1935 the Artel "Atheist" was renamed to farm in name of "Chapayev". And so began his life the farm "Chapayev", organizers were: Vashchuk A.K., Malinyuk P.G., Kolesnik K.I., Malinyuk I.G., Yatsishin I.A. In 1939-1940 the farm became a member of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. Best village workers were awarded a silver Medal. However, the party and Komsomol organizations of the village organized a school for literacy. Illiteracy had 92% and by the early 30-ies, all children of school age attended school. All those who were literate actively involved to teach literacy. Attended literacy classes all illiterates in the age of 50 years. In teaching literacy helped the older students from Samchintsy four years labor school. On the eve of the war in s.Samchintsy worked seven-year school, in which 11 teachers taught 260 students. Illiteracy among the adult population has been eliminated. Many would have been done on the field of collective, if not a robbery by fascists. Matured country, and with it, our farm. Ox, flail and sickle replaced by domestic appliances: tractors, harvesters, threshers, plows, seeders. On our pre-war achievements have been written in newspapers, many of our workers came back from Moscow with the silver medals of the All-Union exhibitions. But Hitler's Germany broke the peaceful labor of the Soviet people. Already in the early days of World War II, responded to the call of the Communist Party and Soviet government, tens Samchyntsi's people joined the Red Army and rose to defend the homeland, and helped evacuate the collective farm property to the east of the country, participated in the construction of defensive lines. In July 1941 the German fascist invaders seized Samchyntsi. During the occupation they were sent to do hard work 94 residents of the village. Over the entire period of the war by village council were mobilized to the front of almost 200 people. Samchintsy Residents fought bravely in the Great Patriotic War. 88 people laid down their heads in the battle for the socialist motherland. Military affairs of them marked with orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Our villagers will never forget the first of the miners Vashchuk Korneyevich Andrew, who died from fascists torture, do not forget the soldiers villagers who died during the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 years. Our villagers have been associated with the partisan detachment. Commander of the detachment was Kalachnikov, partisan connector - Romanishin Andrew, who lived near Vashchuk Andrew Korneyevich. According to the memoirs of Olga Dobrians'ka: «Before release, the village has been fighting the guerrillas with Hungarians in the street at Lavrenyuk Marc Jakubowicz, and in the house Khomutovsky Rakhmanov was partisan headquarters, and in Semerenky was part of the Magyars and Malenyuk Lukyan advised the Magyars on the presence of guerrillas in the countryside. The attack was by Magyars from the limes, and the guerrillas hid in the cemetery, skirmished. In battle, the guerrillas killed Lukin, who was buried in the cemetery Semerenkah. Because it was granted the guerrillas, the guerrillas killed the caretaker, but in fact the elder Romaniuk Basil Denisovich not guilty - he helped the guerrillas, but gave the guerrillas Malenyuk L.A., Assistant Captain». In February 1944 was elected mayor, on behalf of the guerrillas, Kolesnik Vasily Ivanovich. The village was ran by the Germans and all were taken from the villagers. Instruction given by Kolesnik Vasily Ivanovich to hide all the grain, which was dismantled in stacks so people sheaves to home and buried at rooftops, to preserve the seed stock of grain. People with cattle hid in the woods. And then came that long-awaited day when the German army leaves the village and the German soldiers said, so there "will come Russians with golden epaulettes". But the Germans were in rags tied handkerchiefs, exhausted. And on the night of March 8 - bring by the wind to the village, so there is fighting somewhere near Pilyavka, our "hurray", how this word is native, long-awaited and joyful. And in the morning our liberators domes in chains, from Pilyavka, by acacias. The first liberator was Lieutenant Uvarov, who went with the soldiers to Dobrians'ka Olga Leontyevna home. They were warmly welcomed and treated to brandy, which had for years for this long-awaited day. Olga Leontievna asked for Uvarov's photo, and he had given her, for memories. These have left and others arrived. Their headquarters was located at Dobrianskaya's too. Were served a baked potato, and the guests were given printed on a postcard Anthem of the Soviet Union. Olga Leontievna asked how to sing it. Leaving the food the soldiers standing at attention and sang together in unison. There was such a solemn melody, and what was a triumph. And finally on 8 March 1944 Connections of First Guards Army, commanded by Colonel-General A.A. Grechka in conjunction with tank crews 3rd Panzer Army (Colonel-General Rybalko) Samchyntsi liberated from Nazi invaders. A lot of troubles experienced our suffering people, but events of 1932-1933 famine will never be forgotten, which took a deadly whirlwind of grace and fertile Ukrainian soil. In the rush dug graves were millions of farmers and their children. High price payed for the blood experiment of the Kremlin. Destroyed by the Ukrainian spirit, destroyed the will for independence, destroyed families - to slave Ukraine in hunger. It was forbidden even to think of Ukrainian tragedy. But the world knew, the Ukrainian people remember, and had mentioned the slain hunger in silence. 10 villagers have died of starvation in 1933. In 1947 7 people died from starvation. In 1951, collective farms by villages Samchyntsi and Semerenki merged into one association. Farm economy grew up. Were constructed farm for cattle, poultry farm. In the Jubilee 1957 workers of the village have a high harvests of grain and industrial crops, including wheat 28-30 kg / ha, sugar beet by 300 kg / ha. Were grew up in animal productivity. For every 10 hectares was carried out 75 centners of meat, 261 centners of milk, 14,5 thousand eggs. Winners of the anniversary year came was milkmaids: Kapinos, L.P., Prokopovich T.A., Yaromenko T.Ya. Government Award was awarded to pig-woman Kolesnik N.A. For tireless work to raise agricultural collective farm its chairman Bachinsky P.I. was awarded the Order of Lenin. In the villages there are 4 ponds, which were always filled with fish, as well as an apiary, which bestowed honey to people. 
When the chairmanship of Peter A. Vashchuk in 1964 started construction of a large school premises, several buildings of livestock farms. In 1967, the new facility was built for eight years school, accommodation food and industrial shops. The farmers began to build sturdy homes. The village has changed. Instead of thatched roofs came tin and slate.

In 1966 on May 9 at the House of Culture built a monument to the soldiers, villagers, who died during the Great Patriotic War and moved the statue of Lenin. Monuments built by Urluk V.M. and Kolesnik K.I. In Semerenky installed obelisk for fighter from Soviet Moldova detachment Gunin A.I., who died here. The obelisk was erected by Urluk V.M. April 1, 1971 farm "Chapaeva" coalesce into a collective "Avangard" from Nemirintsy village, and named «Soviet Ukraine», Samchyntsi village became Brigade № 4 of this farm, but years have shown inappropriateness of such association. In 1989, the Brigade village Samchyntsi separated, again creating a collective farm. Chapaeva from villages Samchyntsi and Semerenki. Villages have lived a full life. In the villages worked clubs, libraries, film projectors, which were shown four times a week for children and adult movie showtimes. The libraries have lines waiting for books. In the club was amateur sections where young people participated actively. In Semerenky village worked Borovik, Vladimir Ivanovich leads club, and in Samchintsy - Storozhuk Maria Kuprianovna. Samchintsy club was reorganized into the House of Culture. For its work it was awarded a regional diploma. In the House of Culture artistic director, the head of a brass band and organized sports was Vashchuk Sergei Andreevich. They worked these sections: Choir, Drama, brass band, art reading. In 9-years school were 13 teachers. Director of Schools was Kirilyuk Ivan Mikhailovich. In Samchyntsi work item life of public service. Sewing workshop, led by Tsymbalyuk Anastasia Spiridonovna, and after Melnyk Nina. 
In 1990-1992, in the villages Samchyntsi and Semerenki was paved roads and named streets. In Samchyntsi streets: Shevchenko, Solar, School, Garden, Peace, Employment, Forestry, and Lenin. In Semerenky streets: Lenin, Lukin, Shevchenko, Forestry, Guerrilla. The villages worked midwife centers, where in Samchyntsi worked 2 medics: Melnick Pavel Ivanovich and Melnick Daria Maksimova. Photo of Pavel Ivanovich was ever in the district board of honor. In Semerenkah worked physician Puziruk Galina. In 1992, the decision of the Regional Council of People's Deputies of 27 January 1992 was set Samchinetsky Rural Council in the villages Samchyntsi and Semerenki, centered in Samchintsy, chairman of the village council was elected Kolesnik Lydia Efimovna. Chairman of the farm was elected Kolomiets Aleksei Vasil'evich. In the farm had 9 sturdy livestock buildings, 2 feeding dishes, veterinary hospitals, water towers, silos, trench deposited by cement tiles, 2 stables, a grain cleaning current, AVM for drying grain and feed processing, mills in Semerenky and Samchyntsi, MAS in stock, apiary, Field camp fully equipped with tractors, 10 combine harvesters, vehicles, mowers. In Semerenky was 6 stables. In 2001, the "Chapaeva" farm mingled with society "Dyvokray", directed by Mazur. Mazur and Kolomiets took the state loan for 330 000 grn., but there was no profits for the cooperative, because all the money they took to the Mazur's airline, but the means taken to cooperative "Chapaeva", so people worked for nothing. Equipment Kolomiets and Mazur sold, well as cattle. And on Feb. 19, 2004 decision of the Khmelnitsky court filed the bankruptcy case of farm "Chapayev". November 11, 2004, all property was dismantled, sold for a measly penny. The premises were no windows or doors. Why do such a mockery of human labor, where our ancestors have made their hard work. Our farm was considered in the area in good standing, had a lot of equipment - all cut off as scrap. In 2006, the village completely destroyed, even destroyed the completion of the school. In 2007 the Samchintsy school had learned 7 pupils, in Semerenki - 4. Total population on 1 January 2007 in Samchentsy were 380, in Semerenky - 201. Today the village remains only a school, village council, club, library, medical center and shop.
Is such 500-year history of the village comes to end? Our village has extremely beautiful nature. At the entrance to the village before the farm lasts 1 km. road, lined with lime trees (Tilia), which older than 300 years. According to the recollections of old residents — once this road drove by the Russian Queen Catherine II, in her honor there was planted avenue of limes and next to them park with a pond. The village has three ponds. They take their waters from forest Tracts "Vilhychi". In dry 1947, when there was no water, all villagers passed around in the forest to fetch water. Another source is in the valley of the village, which never ceases to give people the healing water. 
On the other side the village surrounded by forest, where the growing needles, oak, hornbeam, birch, alder. In the summer forest gives villagers strawberries, raspberries, mushrooms, and of course, the wood for heating they rural homes. In our village a very environmentally clean air, anyone comes and says: «You have to pay for this air that you breathe». During the years of independence our village was destroyed. We hope that it will reborn, and it will heal our happy people.
- Vashchuk Andrey - the first collective farm chairman, was shot in 1941 by the Germans and buried in Starokonstantinov
- Malinyuk Alexey - surgeon
- Tsymbalyuk Ignat - Colonel
- Vashchuk Leonty - in 1923 headed the committee of poorer farmers of the village, tortured in the dungeons of the NKVD, acquitted
- Nidelsky Vladimir - priest, murdered by communists
- Vasyl Romaniuk - in 1942 was the headman of the village, saved a lot of villagers, helped the guerrillas
- Troyanov Ivan - Director of the school, murdered by communists
- Melnyk Pavel - Labour veteran, honored doctor, lives in the village
- Sukach Stepan Petrovich - Chairman of the Village Council of Agriculture, collective farm chairman
- Lewandowski Vladimir Rufimovich — slay in the dungeons of the NKVD
- Yatsuk Sela Alexandrovitch - The first farm mechanic, master with "golden hands"
- Alex Kolesnik Kupriyanovich - School Director
- Mozharovskii Ivan Nikolaevitch - Agronomist
- Shutyuk Svetlana Yosepivna - Honored teacher
- Mariychuk Peter Lavrinovich - Master golden hands
- Musatov Joseph Afanasyevich - Chairman of the Village Council of Agriculture, Brigadier of Gardening Brigade, lives in the village
- Yakymchuk Vladimir Anonovich — pilot-mechanic
- Vashchuk Peter Andreevitch — collective farm chairman, a veterinarian
- Dougal Ivan Ivanovitch — Col.
- Shutyuk Viktor Vladimirovitch - University lecturer
- Yatsishin Ivan Antonovich - collective farm chairman
- Bubel Alexey — doctor
- Rogachuk Sergey — Col.
- Omelchuk Viktor — Col.
- Vashchuk Yaroslav - University lecturer, inventor, Patent attorney of Ukraine
- Husar Yuriy — Col.
Storozhuk Maria Kupriyanovna
August 1, 2007
Samchintsy village