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Eagles vocalist sued California politics


The vocalist and drummer of American rock band Eagles Don Henley won a lawsuit against a member of the Legislative Assembly of the State of California, Charles Davoren, said publication Spinner.

Musician accused politic of illegally using to the campaign song "The Boys of Summer" and "All She Wants to Do Is Dance" from his solo album "Building the Perfect Beast", 1984.

Candidate for U.S. Senate, Republican personally changed the text tracks and took them to movies that have been posted on YouTube. The song "The Boys of Summer" became known as the "Hope of November" and mocked the U.S. president, Barack Obama, and the track "All She Wants to Do Is Dance" turned into "All She Wants to Do Is Tax" and appealed to rival Davoren on election race Barbara Boxer.

Don Henley alarmed only after the songs have become hits on the web. Musician filed a lawsuit on copyright infringement. Charles Davoren refused to accept the blame, saying that his music is just a parody, but the court sided with the leader of the Eagles. There is no info about any compensation for Henley.

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